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Baby not crawling at 8mo - should I worry?

41 replies

Rooners · 05/09/2013 13:06

I'm not sure about this. It seems from a quick google that this is verging on a bit late.

My others were well up and about by this time, and ds1 walked just before 10mo.

Ds3 isn't even holding himself up on all fours - he can just about roll, but hardly does it, and he cannot make his way across the room at all - he wants to stand up and is pulling himself up on his knees, sort of thing, by holding onto the chairs/my legs etc but no sign of crawling.

I wondered if it is to do with his tummy muscles as he seems to have a diastasis, and I don't know if that affects this sort of thing?

Should I see the HV or the GP about it? Or neither? he is happy otherwise.

OP posts:
LurcioLovesFrankie · 05/09/2013 13:59

Mine couldn't even sit unaided at 8 months! Crawled at 10.5 months, walked at about 15, is now one of the most physically well coordinated children in his class (god knows where he gets that from, certainly not me).

Could well be a tummy muscle thing - DS had reflux and couldn't be put on his tummy, and was uncomfortable even sitting supported on my knee before about 6 months.

The old NHS 0-5 book used to have quite broad developmental windows in it, and though he was towards teh late end for all the gross motor skills, he wasn't outside the windows they gave.

PeggySusan · 05/09/2013 14:07

My dd didn't crawl either. We called her our little pudding cos she loved to sit and watch the world. She walked just before a year and didn't even attempt to crawl til after 14 months. All children do things in their own time. Please don't worry.

mitchsta · 05/09/2013 14:08

Really don't worry about it. They're all different. I know babies that have crawled 'late' and babies that have never crawled. And one that bum-shuffled until she eventually bothered to walk aged about 3.5! I think because her natural position was sitting upright, she didn't have the inclination to get up onto her feet! She's a perfectly healthy little girl BTW. If he's trying to stand/walk it sounds like he has no plans to crawl and might bypass that bit completely :-)

snowchic83 · 05/09/2013 14:16

DD1 didn't crawl until 13 months and never rolled over. She started walking at 17 months. Try not to worry but it's easier said than done know!

snowchic83 · 05/09/2013 14:17
  • I know
MirandaWest · 05/09/2013 14:20

DS crawled at 8.5 months which was quite early among other baby friends of a similar age.

DD shuffled at about 10.5 months. As she was a NSB (neglected second born) I wasn't too worried Blush

Both walked at 15 months.

LadyGoodman · 05/09/2013 14:20

Not to worry DS sat early hardly rolled ever then bum shuffled to 9 months briefly crawled and then walked unsupported at 11months. I'm sure he's fine

SkyBlueSky · 05/09/2013 14:29

Another non-crawler with my DD, rolled a bit but not much. Wobbly walking started at 13 months. HTH to further reassure you.

Rooners · 05/09/2013 15:57

Thankyou so much everyone - yes, I feel very reassured.

He hasn't had an 8m check yet - I wonder if they will write to us. I need to tidy uppppppp Shock

OP posts:
Rooners · 05/09/2013 15:57

Perhaps they will write 'this child does not crawl because there is too much stuff on the floor'

OP posts:
froken · 05/09/2013 20:12

I have a group of 10 friends with baby who are 8 months ( all born December 2012) 3 babies crawl and 7 don't.

CeilingThomas · 05/09/2013 21:20

My DS didn't crawl til he was 12 months and started walking at 17. So 8 months is not late, don't worry!

toisa · 05/09/2013 21:23

Ds was 11mo, then walked at 16mo. He's an active football player now but still as laid back as ever - he was quite happy just to sit and watch!

ViviDeBeauvoir · 05/09/2013 21:35

My DC3 is 8 months and can't crawl.
He's great at sitting and manages to stealthily move around when I'm not looking (at the pace of a snail and usually onlu towards the washih rack) but I don't think he's anywhere near crawling.
Doesn't help that DD and DS1 keep moving the stuff I strategically place out of reach towards him Hmm
DC3s obviously don't need to move as their siblings will help them out!

onedogandababy · 05/09/2013 22:33

I don't think 8 mths is late - if anything, I'd have thought it was the opposite. Mine crawled at about 10.5 mths, but barely crawled. She was more interested in standing, she started walking unaided at 13.5 mths.

madmacbrock · 05/09/2013 23:28

My son never crawled. didnt show any signs of it. then one day (9mths) when i came back from the toilet he was stood in the middle of the lounge. by 9 1/2mths was running!

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