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height-when did your dd stop growing?

23 replies

brimfull · 13/02/2006 19:31

mydd is 14 and a few inces shorter than me.Not aproblem really but she definately thinks she's going to grow some more.I always thought girls had stopped growing about a yr after their periods started.

Anyone prove me wrong??

she sterted her period a 13

OP posts:
pindy · 15/02/2006 22:36

I was 5'6" at 11 and my periods started when I was 11. I haven't grown since!!!!!

edodgy · 15/02/2006 22:14

I am taller now than i was at 17, I can remember being in sixth form and woke up one morning and whilst washing my face thought the sink seemed lower.

mumeeee · 15/02/2006 22:12

My eldest daughter grew a lot between 12 and 14 but only grew about an inch or so after that. She hasn't grown at all since she was 16 and is now 18 and 5ft 8 inches. My 16 year old hasn't grown much in the last year and my 14 year old seems to be growing all the time she is already slightly taller then the 16 year old..

NannyL · 14/02/2006 19:46

i stopped growing at 15, at height 5ft 2!

80sMum · 14/02/2006 19:45

I didn't stop growing till I was 21; only finished up at 5'3" though! I was a slow grower

Troutpout · 14/02/2006 19:22

My sisters girls were very tall (way off the scale) and she was told by a consultant that they would slow down once they started their periods. Wierdly started at 9 and the other at 15...and they are both about the same height (5 8" ish) hard fast rule i reckon

Helen38 · 14/02/2006 08:33

Me too, started at 14 but kept getting taller till about 19.

biglips · 14/02/2006 08:32

usually girls stop growing when age 18 and men stop growing when age 21

i stopped at the age of 15 (period started when i just turned 12)

dp stopped growing at 15 too

jalopy · 14/02/2006 08:29

My nieces definitely carried on growing beyond 14. My periods started at 14 and my height levelled out at about 17 or 18.

Potty1 · 13/02/2006 20:52

Dd's orthopaedic surgeon says that generally girls' legs stop growing at about 14 but they continue to gain some height from growth in the spine up until about 16 (ish).

That's why all teenage girls seem to have legs that go on forever! [smile}

brimfull · 13/02/2006 20:33

last I took notice dd was about 5'2",I'm 5'4".

I remember measuring her when she was 2 and it was predicted she would be 5'5".Who knows??

OP posts:
yoyo · 13/02/2006 20:30

ggirl - I feel the same but I never let on to DD. She did pick up on it when it was mentioned by a doctor but he said to her "would you be happy to be the same height as your Mum?" and she said "yes!". I am keeping my fingers crossed.

brimfull · 13/02/2006 20:27

yes,I'm quietly hoping dd grows a bit more.

OP posts:
yoyo · 13/02/2006 20:25

WWB - I am okay at 5'4" but DD isn't especially tall and is likely to be an early starter too. My sister is about 5'1" and has always hated it.
Perhaps it is more of a familial thing? Hope mine get a bit of height from DH's side - although he isn't tall his mother and all her family are. Bloody gene pools!

WigWamBam · 13/02/2006 20:19

Yoyo, maybe I'm unusual but if I'd stopped growing a year after mine started I'd be a real short arse ... my height at 10 might have been pretty average, but it is not the height at which I would have wanted to spend the rest of my life!

mszebra · 13/02/2006 20:11

I started my periods at age 12 but didn't stop growing until at least 15.

yoyo · 13/02/2006 20:07

My periods started age 9 and I grew very little between then and my 11th birthday when I stopped growing any taller.

WWB - I take comfort from your post as I have been told by numerous doctors that girls stop growing within a couple of years of starting their periods.

popsycalindisguise · 13/02/2006 20:01

I grew about 4 inches between the age of 16 and 18 and then a bit more after that

I was a late starter though...

lizziemun · 13/02/2006 19:59

don't know about dd only 2yrs but i stopped growing at 12 but didn't start period untill 14

brimfull · 13/02/2006 19:48

do you think there is a correlation between starting periods early and stopping growth later??

OP posts:
fastasleep · 13/02/2006 19:39

My periods started at 8! Thank god I didn't stop growing lol! I stopped growing upwards at 12.... although I grew outwards from then on!

mummytosteven · 13/02/2006 19:34

I stopped growing about a year after I started my periods. Started at just under 12, stopped growing at 13.


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WigWamBam · 13/02/2006 19:33

As I started my periods at 9, and didn't stop growing in height until I was about 17, I can assure you that girls don't stop growing a year after their periods start!

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