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So is it 'normal' for a just 7year old to have a huge tantrum

19 replies

MrsCampbellBlack · 23/08/2011 19:00

Over pretty much nothing - to the point where he was almost hysterical? He was absolutely mortified about an hour later and then worries about what people will think.

Bit of background - am slightly worried that he's a bit shy/lacking in confidence and had a tough year 2 with comments on his immaturity (is an august boy if relevant).

I thought he'd got better, calmer more confident over the holidays but now I'm just not so sure.

I just don't see other boys of his age having tantrums like this.

Anyway am taking him to the GP for a chat about his behaviour but am I over-reacting?

He is and always has been a sensitive soul and I'm just worried that I could be doing more to help him.

OP posts:
UptoapointLordCopper · 23/08/2011 20:09

gin - I got round the toast (and analogous) problem by making them do it themselves. In fact they like the perceived independence. Wink Our injustices usually involve DS2. Perhaps I might be driven to buy "sibling without rivalry".

Geocentric · 23/08/2011 20:09

I have recently discovered that a little chocolate goes a long way with DD - I keep one of those big cooking choc slabs in an emergency cupboard and feed some to her in a meltdown; works wonders for snapping her out of it! And no, she doesn't get away with bad behaviour, it just seems to help getting her back into a more normal frame of mind so we can actually talk... I dread to think what she'll be like when her hormones kick in.

MrsCampbellBlack · 23/08/2011 20:06

So do i, so do I . . .

And in the meantime may do what your name says Smile

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ginmakesitallok · 23/08/2011 20:04

Uptoapoint - and those perceived injustices can be - being asked to brush teeth, being given toast that is too brown, forgetting anything for school, being given toast that is not brown enough, being given an "ugly" choice of food (ugly seems to be the new word in out house), being given toast with too much butter on it, changing tv channels when she's out of the room, being asked to get dressed, having to come to the shops, being given toast with too little butter on it...the list goes on. This too shall pass... I hope

MrsCampbellBlack · 23/08/2011 19:59

Oh yes the 'it wasn't my fault it was because of x, y, z' - that does drive me a little mad too.

I am dreading the teenage years. Watched 'submarine' last night and DH and I laughed as both though - yeap thats what DS will be like.

Have to keep reminding myself that sensitivity is a good thing and so is being ahem in touch with your emotions.

OP posts:
UptoapointLordCopper · 23/08/2011 19:57

Yes. I think. Usually over perceived injustice.

twinklytroll · 23/08/2011 19:56

My dd had them at 7, she has hormonal rages now.

Geocentric · 23/08/2011 19:55

MadamD my 9yo niece is all pre-teen angst, too. Grin
Can't wait for my turn... Hmm

Geocentric · 23/08/2011 19:53

7 is meant to be a bit of a turning point as far as maturity goes, isn't it? Following on from what Footprints said about being in between, makes sense. Part big child, part youngster.

I can't remember my first having these tantrums, but he was a much wilder child. Though he did calm down tremendously between 7 and 8.

MadamDeathstare · 23/08/2011 19:52

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MrsCampbellBlack · 23/08/2011 19:52

Footprints - that sounds exactly like DS. One minute he'll be behaving beautifully and then kerpow!

OP posts:
MrsCampbellBlack · 23/08/2011 19:51

Today's was in the loos at John Lewis in front of a row of bf mothers - I honestly expected to see a thread on here about the awful mother and her out of control child Blush

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FootprintsOnTheMoon · 23/08/2011 19:50

Dd is 7. She was on a theme park ride yesterday with DHand DS. DH said DS could sit in the 'driver' seat. Dd cried for 20 minutes. Sat on a kerb refusing to join us for lunch (prompting passers by to ask her where her parents were (!) ). Then screamed and cried again for another 20 minutes missing the next ride, forcing me to physically restrain her to stop her injuring herself or me.

She is otherwise mature and cheerful.

I think they go through bouts of being a bit tweenie at 7.

Geocentric · 23/08/2011 19:48

The huge meltdown she had in July was while we were at a (mercifully quiet) hotel... Blush
I picked her up and took her to the room like a ruddy toddler and sat with her until she stopped flailing and sobbing.

Not sure what I would do if on the street somewhere, I mean, its a 7yo!!! Can't just strapo her in the buggy!!!! Watching with interest to see what other people do...

gegs73 · 23/08/2011 19:47

DS1 does this from time to time, he was 7 a couple of months ago. I think its completely normal especially if they are tired.

MrsCampbellBlack · 23/08/2011 19:45

Oh I am so glad to hear this Smile Was just thinking there was something dreadfully wrong with him or me.

So what do you do when they have such a tantrum - the one today was over going to the loo quicker when we were out so slightly harder to deal with than when we are at home.

OP posts:
Geocentric · 23/08/2011 19:40

DD turned 7 late July, and she had a couple of these in the month before her birthday. July is always tough for her, though - something to do with the run-up to her birthday, I think, plus its winter holidays here so 4 weeks off school. Its so lovely when routine kicks in again!!!!!!

ragged · 23/08/2011 19:37

normal for ds2.... always some kind of anxiety or perceived injustice/frustration at the bottom of it.

DottyDot · 23/08/2011 19:35

Ds2 is 7 and had a mahoosive tantrum this morning - so I'm going with completely normal Grin It involved crying, shouting, pulling all the settee cushions off and on to the floor, then (when banned to his bedroom) pulled all his bedding off and flung all toys out of boxes and on to the floor. Then sat on the floor howling. And all over being slightly told off for something very minor...

I think it's normal, their age, summer holidays - the usual... Ds1 was a bit like this at 7 as well - thankfully he's now 9 nearly 10 and waaaay calmer. Just more demanding when it comes to shoes and clothes, which is nearly as bad Hmm

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