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I'm afraid of spiders but I dont want to pass on my fear to dd

28 replies

muppet73 · 25/09/2005 20:40

I dont mind the tiny ones or spindly ones but its the big black ones I have a problem with - the ones that you can see eyebrows on they are so big.

Anyway point is there was one in hallway the other night and I freaked out - dh had to deal with it and I felt squeamish for the rest of night. How can I make sure I dont pass this on to dd?

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Poshpaws · 27/09/2005 10:48

Funnily enough I was thinking about this today...about not passing on fears or phobias.

I hate those large spiders too but have forced myself to say to DS1 'Oh, look at the spider', etc. Nursery, however, has a lot to answer for as he basically screams at any bug now and that has not come from me or DH, who can pick up anything.

I must admit though, I HATE dog poo (don't we all )and I think I am beginning to foster some kind of paranoia in DS1. Today when we were walking to nursery, every other line out of my mouth was 'Watch out for the poo'. Whereas at the beginning of the journey he was skipping along merrily, by the end of it he was dodging anything that looked like poo, in his mind, such as wet leaves

vickitiredmum · 27/09/2005 13:32

I think thats where my DD is starting to get aversion poshpaws.

I know they do subjects such as "mini beasts" i guess that must play a big part in it because although i have been pretty good she saw spider in the bathroom this morning and although it way up on the ceiling she was getting all fretful and wouldnt stand under it or stop looking at it.

muppet73 · 27/09/2005 20:19

Psychobabble - Yes I have always toyed with the idea of hypnotherapy - a few people I know have had that for dog phobia, spiders and even driving tests. Maybe its time to give it a go, especially as it seems to work.

I feel a lot better anyway about the whole thing now that I know becoming a Mum isn't instanting supposed to make you brave. Part of me is actually wanting to discover a spider soon so I can practice facing my fear.

I think poshpaws, by the way, its good to not be too keen on dog poo - although maybe your lo just liked saying the word - it is a pretty funny word

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