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Best aids for teaching alphabet, early reading

33 replies

otchayaniye · 05/10/2010 07:30

Before you cry 'stop!' my daughter (23 months) has been asking to read for months. We read to her often in the day and of course at night. She can recognise certain words ('cat', 'baby' 'book' 'tiddler' 'You are pigs' from Piggybook etc) but has said things like 'this says x' and is trying (and failing) to spell out the words through the letters'

Now, of course she is doing this by recognition (much as I had to learn Mandarin as it's not phonic) so I guess this isn't bad in and of itself, but I'm wondering if I should:

teach her the alphabet (she knows about half anyway)

teach her phonics with basic flashcards (know any that are good?)

just continue reading to her as is and let her pick up more words?

I was of the generation where most mothers taught their kids to read early but nowawdays most advise leaving it. I don't think I'm forcing this though as she keeps asking.

OP posts:
ReallyTired · 01/07/2015 13:40

Jolly phonics has some brilliant resources for teaching early reading, but your daughter may well be too young. There are some jolly phonics videos on YouTube another good website is star

I see no harm in teaching a small child to read provided its child led. Playing games with robot speak is fun or making letter shaped biscuits. Sharing books is a great way of improving vocabulary.

starsandmoonandback · 01/07/2015 21:42

Also twinkl phonics apps are good x

Ferguson · 01/07/2015 23:28

I worked in primary schools for twenty-five years, and besides the 'letter, word, and phonics' activities DD is already becoming interested in, don't forget numeracy - counting one-to-one correspondence of objects, and simple mathematical concepts: half, quarter, double, share, position, shapes etc.

Also she is at an ideal age to start learning informal music: if you can afford it, an electronic keyboard (61 full size keys, not a toy one). Or 'domestic percussion', pots and pans and wooden spoon to accompany TV or radio music.

HJBeans · 02/07/2015 13:18

Our little boy (23 months) is also obsessed with letters and keeps pointing out signs and trying to name the letter sounds. He's also recently started counting. We responded by getting him a word/letter puzzle set by Melissa & Doug which he loves, and a numbers stacking toy by Bigjigs which he also enjoys. I knew how to read well before school and can recall being bored in school, but also loving books throughout childhood. I figure if he's asking, I'm going to support his interest as I would an interest in anything else.

He is also mad about "Get Squiggling Letters" on the BBC. But they're only a few minutes long and, maddeningly, they only release two letters per week. After literally dozens of viewings of N and O, I'm genuinely looking forward to the weekend when I expect to meet P and Q!

Iwantakitchen · 02/07/2015 13:26

Bath letters with little fish net from the pet shop, y
She can go letter fishing at bedtime. I have this fantastic puzzle from John Lewis bought years ago with letters and first sound of the word (s for snake). I use it with all the children I look after and they love it. Get familiar with phonic sounds and use them correctly. Not the alphabet song it doesn't help with the method used at school. I mean it's great if she knows it but phonics is more useful for learning to read. Play games with her, please forget about flash adds they are not a natural way to learn or play. Make it fun and then, let her take the lead. When she is ready she will be able to put the sounds together.

Best aids for teaching alphabet, early reading
Iwantakitchen · 02/07/2015 13:27

I meant at bath Time!

YAsoNBU · 02/07/2015 13:31

I expect the child in question is reading Tolstoy by now seeing as this thread was started in 2010!

starsandmoonandback · 03/07/2015 07:33

Ha ha! That's hilarious!! GrinGrinGrin

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