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Seraphina - what do you think

37 replies

bunsandroses · 25/04/2010 20:01

I love the name but have had a very mixed response, lots of people think it is pretentious but i think its beautiful - what do you think?

OP posts:
said · 26/04/2010 13:25

Agree the 'a' makes a difference - Seraphine is nicer

Rockbird · 26/04/2010 13:23

Seraphina is lovely, Seraphine is wet and wishy washy. The 'a' makes a big difference.

Pasiphae · 26/04/2010 13:09

It's lovely, but I think Seraphine is better.

I used it as middle name for DD2(was afraid it was too daring and was a bit OTT with her older sister name who is also angel related).

CakeandRoses · 26/04/2010 11:40

I adore Seraphina and Seraphine but was put off because I couldn't think of good nns for it. I'm now thinking about putting it back on the shortlist

I'm surprised how positive the response here has been to the name as I thought everyone (except me) would think it over-the-top/pretentious.

Would you pronounce 'phine' of Seraphine as 'fin' or 'feen'?

Skihorse, the nn thing isn't about cuteness for me, it's because most long names are likely to be shortened and then DC could be stuck with a name you don't actually like at all.

Rafi · 26/04/2010 10:29

I have a Serafina, Fina or Fi at home & Serry to her friends. We love the name but millions of people WILL misspell / mispronounce it. Even if corrected.

everlong · 26/04/2010 07:32

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mumtoxii · 26/04/2010 07:24

I have a Seraphina, and she is often called Sephy by her younger siblings. Obviously I think it is a gorgeous name or I would not have chosen it! I would never care what other people think of a name I have chosen, as long as I love it myself!!

skihorse · 26/04/2010 06:28

Beautiful name - but why on G-d's sweet earth are parents always searching for "cute" nicknames? This is a beautiful name - why cheapen it by making the poor girl sound like a discount brand of detergent?

LadyThompson · 25/04/2010 22:50

Very nice. I also like Serena.

telsa · 25/04/2010 22:07

It is lovely - and sweet as Sephy or Fifi too.

DeborahDevonshire · 25/04/2010 21:55

It is a lovely name, I really like it.

seaturtle · 25/04/2010 21:50

Lovely name.

debaronz · 25/04/2010 21:35

It is pretty, although like Ewe I prefer Seraphine.

PussinJimmyChoos · 25/04/2010 21:31

Reminds me of that witch in the Phillip Pullman Dark Materials Trilogy..its spelt differently there I think but still same pronounciation

brimfull · 25/04/2010 21:21

beautiful name

Greensleeves · 25/04/2010 21:19

I wonder whether it was actually his name that precipitated the bullying though, or whether he was going to be bullied for other reasons and they picked on his name?

I think that often happens. I don't believe children are bullied JUST because of their name.

Ewe · 25/04/2010 21:17

Ok, GS, my own personal experience tells me otherwise. A good friend of mine, Cosmo, spent a couple of years at an inner City state school where he got no end of grief about his name almost to the point where he was going to change it.

Off he went to boarding school at 13 and hasn't had any bother since and I am in my early twenties so this wasn't exactly decades ago!

I much prefer Seraphine actually, think it sounds stronger.

fanjolina · 25/04/2010 21:10

Love it.

Lastyearsmodel · 25/04/2010 20:59

Sephy is a gorgeous nn. I know one in her 40s but have never come across another.

usualsuspect · 25/04/2010 20:58

My ds has friends called vijay ,ahmed ,safia as well as the usual jessicas ,liams and bens,

my dds best friend is called sapphire one cares ,they are just names

bunsandroses · 25/04/2010 20:57

thanks, so glad everyone likes it. Agree with nn of Fina. I went to state school and i had a pretty boring name compared to everyone else!

OP posts:
fabhead · 25/04/2010 20:56

GS - agreed!


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fabhead · 25/04/2010 20:53

ooh yes Seraphine is lovely and maybe 1 sylable less tones it down a bit (why am I on this thread? I am having a ds3).

I would have been sorely tempted by Seraphina/Seraphine though otherwise.

Greensleeves · 25/04/2010 20:51

it's more often private schools who are populated by white middle-class kids called Katherine and Elizabeth and Richard

fabhead · 25/04/2010 20:51

In fact where I live I think there is slightly more variety in the state schools as there is a wider mix of socio-economic backgrounds or whatever you want to call it.

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