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iris or elsie

19 replies

steph1512 · 12/03/2010 20:32

hi honest opinions welcome!

really srtuggling for girls names..these are top two so far

OP posts:
sassysass · 12/03/2010 23:54

Surely Iris is in the top 100?? I know so many!

Agree with the PP - definitely the new Ruby.

Elsie only sounds like half a name.

GrimmaTheNome · 12/03/2010 23:34

Iris is lovely. Its such a graceful flower.

Elsie... an octagenerian relative of mine is an Elsie and she's always hated it 'because it was a maid's name' . And because being called Eelll-SIE in a lancashire accent just didnt sound good. Her middle name was even worse so she was stuck with it.

telsa · 12/03/2010 23:20

Elsie is very sweet and suggests a cheekier character.

loobylu3 · 12/03/2010 22:23

I really like both but love Iris more.
Infact, wanted to call DD2 Iris but DH said no
I do think that both will increase in popularity over the next few years.

MrsvWoolf · 12/03/2010 22:20

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notsoteenagemum · 12/03/2010 21:17

Both lovely, not much help sorry.

steph1512 · 12/03/2010 21:01

how strange if we choose iris i had suggested iris elizabeth to!

orig wanted iris rose but few people said ott althou i still like it..but think iris goes so well with elizabeth as a middle name

OP posts:
jeanjeannie · 12/03/2010 20:59

Steph - we've had really lovely comments...usually along the lines of "Oooo, that's a pretty name".. We've met a couple of others while around town - but not many. No one has raised any eyebrows (to my face!) - it's not really OTT or that popular.

I've also got a Verity and that definately seems to evoke more of a reaction...against!!

leakyR · 12/03/2010 20:56

I have an Iris Elizabeth, so that's the one I prefer too. People always react positively when they hear her name. I love it.

Skegness · 12/03/2010 20:52


muggglewump · 12/03/2010 20:52

Iris, great name, strong, yet pretty and timeless.
I dislike ie/ee/y names, I find most of them twee so that rules out Elsie for me.

If you want Elsie, I'd say to find a long name and use Elsie as a shortening.

BuryNoelEdmonds · 12/03/2010 20:49

Iris, by far. It's beautiful yet strong, which is how I imagine an Iris to be.

lockets · 12/03/2010 20:49

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tummytickler · 12/03/2010 20:48

Well, it was 9 years ago, so quite unusual then. We had a few , my Dad called her Ruby for ages (I said when i was a kid I would call a dd Ruby after the Stones song and he was trying to hold me to it!), my nan was thrilled as its one of her names, and a real mix apart form that, which I liked. Lots of people ask if she was named after Iris Murdoch (partly yes, as I have always loved her work). I still love it now!
Your dd will be reacted to like the lovely baby she will be, whether you call her Iris, Britney or Brian! People will know her as herself. My dd gets nothing but compliments on her name now, and we have never met another (and we are in South East!)

boodleboot · 12/03/2010 20:41

iris deffo...

steph1512 · 12/03/2010 20:41

wow two iris's ive yet to come across one but have always loved it.

my first two dds are grace and daisy and i like grace daisy and iris together!?

tummytickler and jeanjeannie what reactions did you get from people when you picked out iris?
none of my relatives are giving me a positive one which doesnt bother me..but started to wonder how dd will be reacted to if i called her iris??

i love elsie to but completely agree think its going to get very popular in comparison to iris

OP posts:
tummytickler · 12/03/2010 20:36

I love both. My 9 year old is called Iris though, so I love that more! I prefer Elspeth to Elsie, with, maybe Elsie as a nn. I wanted to call dd2 Elspeth, but my cousin had an Elsie before I got the chance!
I think Elsie is going to become really, really popular though.
Iris is more elegant, sophisticated and timeless, which is why I would use Elsie as a nn for something else.

needanamefast · 12/03/2010 20:36

both are lovely

jeanjeannie · 12/03/2010 20:35

I've got an Iris - so that's the one I prefer!

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