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which do you prefer?

27 replies

HollyBunda · 29/09/2009 14:19

Sonny (full name Jackson)

Middle name is Red after my Grandfather.
we are going in circles at the moment and our baby is almost 3 weeks old.
I prefer Soren, Dh prefers Sonny. I'm not keen on Jackson (although it's what we would have called our 8 year old DD.

OP posts:
annamama · 30/09/2009 09:08

The swedish spelling is Sören and the danish is Søren. The ö/ø is pronounced with the same sound as in nerd/fur/sir. Not as an O! But I guess it's ok to import foreign names and pronounce them differently too...

cory · 30/09/2009 08:21

I think (pace seeker) that it's perfectly ok to have a name your mates can't pronounce or a name that you have to spell every time, but when it comes to a name even the parents can't pronounce...

cory · 30/09/2009 08:19

re Soren, can you pronounce it?

nooka · 30/09/2009 05:55

Is this for a boy or girl? I would have thought Soren was a girl, Jesse could be either but the rest are boys names? OK, looking at the thread, I guess you have a son

I don't really like any of them, and the combination with Red seems a little odd.

Jesse makes me think of "he's a right jessie/girls blouse/wuss"

Soren I foolishly thought was for a girl

I think Sonny is dreadful as a name (like Babe or Junior), and Jackson is a surname - makes me think mostly of the Mask though "J-J-J-Jackson"

Roman makes me think of Polanski at the moment, which is not a good association

Also Roman Red sounds a bit like paint.

So I guess Soren then? Do you have a Northern European connection? Red Soren sounds quite Viking like

RnB · 30/09/2009 05:30

I love Roman - I think it is a lovely strong name and a contender for my dc3

Not sure about Soren - sounds a bit girly to me

Love Jesse - very cool. know a teenager called Jessie and he's seriously cool

Sorry I dislike Sonny (Jackson is even worse)

florence2511 · 30/09/2009 05:02

I like Soren, but the first thing that came to mind when I read the name was:

Soren Lorenson - Lola's imaginary friend.

Still love the name though and will add it to my list for future DC's.

thesecondcoming · 29/09/2009 22:45

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seeker · 29/09/2009 19:38

Why not call the poor brat Wuss and have done with it?

said · 29/09/2009 17:33

Jesse was on our list...but I was nervous about it.

Bathsheba · 29/09/2009 17:31

I love Soren and was wanting it on my shortlist for this one...

Anything else..No.

I'm Scottish and jesse would be cruel. Jackson is actually nice.

Roman you want your child to sound like a WWF wrestler..

lockets · 29/09/2009 16:03

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seeker · 29/09/2009 15:03

PLEASE not Jesse!

Jamieandhismagictorch · 29/09/2009 14:58

Jesse, or Soren

bronze · 29/09/2009 14:40

was on my list

mathanxiety · 29/09/2009 14:39

Soren or Roman. Or Jackson, but not Sonny. Jesse -- too cowboyish for me. I knew a kid called Jensen (also a nordic type name).

thirtysomething · 29/09/2009 14:37

Soren my favourite from those. Like the French version of Roman - Romain.

I agree though that Red sounds odd with all of those....guess it depends how it sounds with your surname.

I quite like Jackson (but not Sonny as it's overly popular now...) but Jackson Red sounds like a band or a type of beer.....

BonsoirAnna · 29/09/2009 14:35

Roman is much the nicest name on your list.

BunnyLebowski · 29/09/2009 14:33

Oooh what about Stellan? It's in the same vein as Soren (although Swedish) but a bit more manly imo and just fab.

seeker · 29/09/2009 14:32

if you call him Jesse you'll have to make sure he never goes to Scotland!

peanutbutterkid · 29/09/2009 14:29

I love Red, I don't much warm to the others (sorry).
Roman Red sounds partic dreadful,but Red as middle name doesn't work very well with any of them, imho.

Red as the first name, with one of the others as middle name goes better; could have child go middle name in daily life, too.

Fruitbatlings · 29/09/2009 14:28

well I completely vetoed Jesse but I've seen it a couple of times and actually am beginning to like it.
I used to like Sonny but it seems to be very popular near me so, at the moment, it reminds me of 1 and 2 year old boys with earrings and gold chains around their necks - this has put me off a bit.

Not sure about Soren and Roman

preggersplayspop · 29/09/2009 14:28

Jesse. Its a great name.

Not keen on the others. I do like Jackson but not sonny.


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flier · 29/09/2009 14:27

When I first saw the list I liked Soren, but it depends on your surname and your dds name

FimboFortunaFeet · 29/09/2009 14:26

Yes, what is your dd's name and then I will decide

BunnyLebowski · 29/09/2009 14:25

Jesse - love it on Bear Grhylls lo as it goes so well with siblings Marmaduke (Duke) and Huckleberry (Huck) but I think would be a bit harder to pull off for a reguler little boy.

Soren - Love this. Very classy and cool. Although as it's a Danish name it mind sound a bit odd on an english kid with no danish associations?

Sonny (Jackson) - I know I shouldn't but I really like this. It's a wee bit celebrity-ish but very cool.

Roman - too celebrity and a bit passé now.

Can I ask what your dd's name is (so we can decide what goes best!)?

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