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Dorian for a boy?

57 replies

telleport · 06/09/2009 15:26

We don't know what we're having yet, this is our boys choice. Middle name will be a family name.
What do you think? I know there's the film out at the moment and that made me worried enough to check. Typical!

OP posts:
Pingpong · 07/09/2009 20:30

I always thought Dorian was a girl's name as the only time I'd heard it was in Birds of a Feather but DH has a male friend called Dorian (the Welsh pronounce it differently to the BoF character).
TBH I think it sounds drippy for a boy. Similar to Hillary/Lindsay/Vivian/Leslie in that they can be male/female names but I'm not keen on any of them

vinegardisaster · 07/09/2009 22:53

We called our little boy Dorian, he is 3. I wanted a name that could be pronounced well in French and English (i'm french)
I must say, people's reactions to his name are not always nice and I don't really like the association with the book, which is now worse with because of the film. I think it is a lovely name though. We tend to call him Dodo!

hulabula · 08/09/2009 09:17

custardo, why would schoolchildren at a private school know any different than children at a state school - for children a name is just a name. Surely, Dorian or Damian or David are just that, NAMES of their friends.

Ok, some names lead themselves more to teasing than others (Gabriel - Gay-boy etc), but I can't see whats teaseworth about Dorian?

Is it the book connection? Or is it because it's not that common (as Jack or Charlie)?

I really don't understand (and my ds is not called Dorian)....

prettybird · 08/09/2009 09:31

I had a colleague at my last job who was called Dorian. He is probably in his 30s. Even though I am literate enough to know about the book (I am not sure that the youngster's of today will be ), I never though about it when I talked to him. It suited him: a nice straight forward guy.

hellokitty22 · 08/09/2009 09:35

Agree with you hula, I don't see why schoolchildren would find Dorian teaseworthy.

Perhaps some parents have issues with certain 'poncy'/'chavvy' names, and they pass such views on to their children ...

LastTrainToNowhere · 08/09/2009 10:40

I always thought Henry Wotton was the "bad guy" in the book and Dorian Gray was the victim because he was too innocent to have a strong moral compass.

I like the name, I agree with hula that it isn't tease-worthy on its own. The parents of his friends might make them notice that it's a different name.

ButtercupWafflehead · 08/09/2009 10:54

IMO this will never be disconnected from the book.

So anyone who has read it/seen it will probably raise an eyebrow.

therealbanksy · 08/09/2009 11:00

I agree with ButtercupWafflehead. There is also a novel by Will Self called Dorian which is an even darker, more repugnant modern take on the Oscar Wilde original. It's a shame, because it's a nice name otherwise.

anniemac · 08/09/2009 11:06

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slyandgobbo · 08/09/2009 11:08

The Dorian I know is at state school and has never to my knowledge been teased abotu hsi name.

Takver · 08/09/2009 11:19

I've run into (adult) Dorians, never thought anything of it, perfectly good name IMO.
As someone else mentioned, I very much doubt that small children in the playground will have heard of Dorian Grey

bunjies · 08/09/2009 11:45

I think it's a lovely name.

It is quite popular in France where we live, there are two of them in ds's class and there are only 20 of them

My BIL is called Damian and no one thinks anything of it.

If you like the name then go ahead.

AnneLancaster · 08/09/2009 12:10

Its very effeminate, imho.

EyeballsintheSky · 08/09/2009 12:30

I really like it. I like it slightly more for a girl as I also like Birds of a Feather but it worrks well for both. It's only along the lines of Lucien or Adrian isn't it? All lovely names.

prettybird · 08/09/2009 12:31

youngsters no apostrophe

curiositykilled · 08/09/2009 12:37

Not sure why it matters to you what other people think? Other people will always have an opinion about someone else's name choices but it only matters what you think.

Bullying is hardly a consideration, bullies will pick on anything trivial at random and make it big. People's names, hair colour, facial features, weight e.t.c. The best ones I had during my school years were the length you wore your tie at and the supermarket your mum shopped in.

TheChilliMooseisasmadasahatter · 08/09/2009 12:43

The character in the book is gay, and although I am in way homophobic, I wouldn't use it for that reason as you could be opening your child up to being teased.

LovelyTinOfSpam · 08/09/2009 12:53

I know someone called dorian gray

FanjolinaJolie · 08/09/2009 14:09

Would worry about being teased as 'Doreen', maybe??

Not a bad name but a bit girly for me.

mrswoolf · 08/09/2009 14:19

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hellomc · 08/09/2009 15:37

excellent name

pranma · 08/09/2009 19:01

My ds is Guy and was called Gay at school[comp]until he thumped someone who said it and made them cry[siiigggghhhhh].He is nearly 40 now and doesnt mind it but I wouldnt do it again tbh.


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LovelyTinOfSpam · 08/09/2009 21:07

As I remember it the chap who paints the picture of dorian gray is openly in love with him, but dorians sexuality is less blatent - he drives a young woman who he has an affair with to suicide IIRC. I always imagined he was stoned all the time and up for anything personally.

Yes agree that playground insults will have to be quite advanced if referencing the book

mumtojohn · 08/09/2009 21:26

Dorian is my favorite boy's name too. I wanted it for DS but DP vetoed it and we went for John. I am going to try again to get it through next time though!

I snogged a Dorian once and he was very cool. I also love the book.

chickbean · 08/09/2009 22:06

Dorry in 'What Katy Did' was short for Theodore (just for information - doesn't stop it being short for Dorian too).

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