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Baby names

Jasmine or Yasmin

22 replies

oldboiler · 18/08/2009 20:05

Partner and I are struggling to agree on a girls name and the only ones he likes are Jasmine or Yasmin. I'm not sure as I think they sound too exotic (and baby is unlikely to have exotic looks with two pasty skinned parents).
What are your thoughts?
Also are they classy or is Jasmine a bit chav?

OP posts:
hulabula · 20/08/2009 18:21

Some people DO consider names (e.g. Yasmin or Jasmine) chavvy. Just like some people consider other names posh. Personally, I don't like that classification but then I'm not British and don't understand the remnants of the UK class system....

The OP is, I assume, asking for honest opinions.

pinkmagic1 · 20/08/2009 18:06

My daughters Yasmin, how dare anyone say its chavvy! She is half Arab and has dark hair and skin and it really suits her. Jasmine is lovely too and a little less exotic so would be ok for a blonde, blue eyed girl.

QOD · 20/08/2009 17:57

LMAO at the comments about it being chavvy - I frequently call my dd



I love calling her from across the park...
"CHAVMIN! CHAV....... come on Chavvy"

and we really are NOT chavvy nor do we live in a remotely chavvy area

We called her Jasmin and then that Angela Griffiths was in Holby or Casualty and her character name was Nurse Jasmine - she was soooooooo pretty and then bammo - hundreds of Jasmines aged from 10 and under

WinomoreTheFruitbat · 20/08/2009 15:25

I love Jasmine - especially Jazz for short

mowbraygirl · 20/08/2009 15:24

I love Jasmine but then I am prejudiced as that is my GD's name. She has just turned 8 and is the only Jasmine in her school. My SIL lived in Saudi Arabia for years as a child so when they couldn't decide on a name I suggested maybe something that reminded him of his childhood and maybe a version of an Arabic name so Yasmin/ Jasmine.

KAEKAE · 20/08/2009 14:37

I lived next door to a Yasmin, very chav IMO. Oh and she was very dark skinned and dark haired! I dislike both names...sorry.

simplesusan · 20/08/2009 11:14

I prefer Yasmin but do agree it congers up images of a very dark haired girl.
So if you are pale I would go with Jasmine.

CoteDAzur · 19/08/2009 22:02

In the English language, that flower is called Jasmine. So go with that name.

Yasmin/Yasmina/Yasemin in Iran, Turkey, various Arab countries, because that is what that flower is called there.

LynetteScavo · 19/08/2009 17:47

Yasmin will be weird if you are not dark skinned.

Jasmine is sort of OK...the only Jasmines I know (I know 3) aren't chavvy, infact one is v. posh, but I wouldn't use it now, as I know it is considered chavvy....with DC1 was going to be either Jasmine or James.

moondog · 19/08/2009 17:42

They are both chavvy.

GrimmaTheNome · 19/08/2009 17:32


shoobidoo · 19/08/2009 17:27

I like Yasmina over Jasmine or Yasmin.

VanillaIce · 19/08/2009 15:28

Yasmin is nice, except that it's my brand of the Pill.

QOD · 18/08/2009 23:03

Jasmin is the bestest name in the world


screamingabdab · 18/08/2009 23:00

I prefer Jasmine, especially if DD is unlikely to look exotic. Jasmine is a pretty, fragrant flower. Nowt wrong with that !

No Jasmines round here

Clary · 18/08/2009 21:05

Yasmin le Bon - very nice

Jasmine - more popular. Four in our inf school of 200 kids (prob about 90 girls so that's one in 22 blimey!) I like it tho and not exotic. At any rate the ones I know aren't

hester · 18/08/2009 21:05

Both are very pretty.

mumtoted · 18/08/2009 20:59

I prefer Jasmine.

Ineedsomesleep · 18/08/2009 20:46

Love both, but would choose Yasmin.

msrisotto · 18/08/2009 20:43

Oh I love Jasmin. Yasmin reminds me of a brand of pill.

WinkyWinkola · 18/08/2009 20:38


MrsMattie · 18/08/2009 20:35

Yasmin - less common (in this country) and very pretty. Was on our final list of girls names.


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