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Octavia or Augusta?

31 replies

Cordailia · 29/07/2009 19:18

These are my two favourites if next baby is a girl. Either will match with existing sibling names
Opinions on which youe prefer and why would be helpful. Similar suggestions too.
Many thanks.

OP posts:
PrincessTweetz · 02/08/2009 19:09

I prefer Octavia...My sister has just called her lil girl Scarlett Octavia...she was having real trouble choosing a name that both her and her partner agreed on, as they both like the more unusual names but she worries about being too 'out there' with the names...hence the reason Octavia was used as a middle name

HelenofSparta · 31/07/2009 20:55

Lady Thompson - why deep sigh? Bit over dramatic! (You sound like my hubby when he is being impatient with us lesser mortals).
If the baby name books are stating that this name is often used for an eighth child, then surely it is understandable that people think this. Perhaps you should all give us a history lesson and correct all the books as well??!!

plimple · 31/07/2009 10:33

My sister is an 8th child and has Octavia for a middle name. It is pretty enough but we still make fun of her and call her plimplesis October.

noddyholder · 31/07/2009 10:32

I like both but octavia is slightly prettier.Augusta is v cool though and would suit a real character

savoycabbage · 31/07/2009 10:29

My dd's best friend is called Octavie. I think it's a pretty name.

You don't emphasise any of the syllables to pronounce it, like Ottilie so it is quite a soft name. It hasn't got the "tav' sound in the middle. It's OCT-A-VEE.

LadyThompson · 31/07/2009 10:29

Octavia wasn't used in this way by the Romans (ie for eighth daughters only). It's something of a popular misnomer - particularly on this board...

Mumcentreplus · 31/07/2009 10:26

I don't like them..Augusta ..just makes me think Disgusta..I suppose Octavia is better..(still I think of Octopus)..sorry

HelenofSparta · 31/07/2009 10:24

Just a thought, but I understood that Octavia was supposed to be the name for an eighth daughter? (Always makes me think of ?Octavious Caesar, Antony & Cleopatra)!

GoldenSnitch · 31/07/2009 10:24

DH drives a Skoda Octavia - it's a nice car

Think it's ruined it as a name for anyone born after the car was brought out though. Who'd want to be named after a Skoda!?

PavlovtheForgetfulCat · 31/07/2009 10:18


LadyThompson · 31/07/2009 10:17

Neither please!

I have one already and am seriously considering using the other if I have another DD, and I would prefer it if neither of them were to get too popular

mrsradders · 30/07/2009 17:46

i think they are both lovely and would use either if DH would allow. xx

Stannie · 30/07/2009 17:40

I have a cousin called Octavia (she's not born in either August or October either!)

I think it's a beautiful name - she was called Tavia or Tavey at school and it stuck but she does introduce herself as Octavia - she loves her name

No one really makes the car comparison as it's just too obvious - if they do, the collective bored groan made by others is usually enough to stop that sort of thing in it's tracks .. I have a name that prompts people to burst into song from time to time but it's such an obvious thing to do that most people don't for fear of themselves being ridiculed for being so unoriginal..

I love Augusta too but OH really doesn't so it's off my list..

hmc · 29/07/2009 23:58

Feel like I've stepped back a couple of thousand years into the Roman Empire!

zazen · 29/07/2009 23:56

"Augusta might be a wee bit cheesy" itchyandscratchy

"Octavia is prettier than Augusta, which is a very hard name to pull off in my opinion" MrsMattie

sorry but ROTFL with this one we always called Agustas we knew, Gussets!

But what about Octavia: Octo(s)-mom - would you be called that?

I'm with wrongun, sorry, but I just think they're pretty cheesy and hard to pull off, no matter how many hands you have

piscesmoon · 29/07/2009 23:49

Augusta sounds like a very prim maiden aunt from Edwardian times. I think it could be quite nice if you DD could cope with it-it is a difficult name for a shy DD. I don't like Octavia-Olivia is much prettier.

wrongun · 29/07/2009 23:40

They're both hideous. Sorry.

cherryloaf · 29/07/2009 22:17

Tavy sounds like chavy, not a nice name imo
Both are a bit on the poncey side.

maggievirgo · 29/07/2009 20:55

Octavia is a more attractive sound. Nick name Tavy or Tavia. I like Augustus for a boy, but it is hard to pull a 'girly' sound out of Augusta. jmo.

Don't worry about the car thing. I knew sisters Zara and clio. They are older than the cars!

Sidge · 29/07/2009 20:02

I love Octavia, it was the name I secretly wanted for DD3 but didn't have the guts to use!

Not keen on Augusta, reminds me of 'disgusting'.

mrswoolf · 29/07/2009 19:58

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slyandgobbo · 29/07/2009 19:54

Both nice, Augusta a little better


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mrswoolf · 29/07/2009 19:54

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HumphreyCobbler · 29/07/2009 19:50

I love Octavia but dh said not until we had eight

WinkyWinkola · 29/07/2009 19:49

Octavia although I think it's a bit pompous sounding. They both are.

I like lockets suggestions more apart from Ursula.

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