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Is it Chavy or too popular, or too.......

36 replies

bevlin · 28/07/2009 16:06

Oh im driving myself nuts here. I wish I hadn't looked on this site!
My names were

Olivia - now seems too popular
Orla - too weird? Do you imagine ugly?
Serena - is it chavy?

my boys names were

Alexander (Alex) - now seems too popular
Brennan - Is it silly with Evan?
Colm - Is it silly or chavy?

Any suggestions would be sooooo appreciated along with honesty on the above.
Obviously im trying to avoid over used or chavy names!

OP posts:
simplesusan · 29/07/2009 23:35

Definately Olivia and Alexander by far the nicest.

Kaylo · 29/07/2009 23:05

Hi Bevlin Hope the stress ain't too bad and the breakdown's all gone away

I'm 24 btw

I really like Zara too - very pretty

Have to say I agree with your friend about the "spare 'her' the frustration of spelling names" I married into a surname that no-one seems to be able to spell even tho when you write it down it's dead simple. Get called allsorts on the phone

bevlin · 29/07/2009 21:19

It's so funny to hear everyone's opinion!
I've since wittled it down to Olivia, Orla....and Zara (what do you think)?
I have to say though, probably like everyone on this site or you wouldn't be here - I just can't get excited about any names. Note the lack of boys names, yes they have all been dropped like hot potatoes. Nothing anyone has said, just my terrible decision making skills.
I agree that is is better to stick to original spellings like Orlaith BUT my best friend begged me not to put 'her' through the agony of spending her life spelling her weird long irish surname along with spelling and pronouncing her first name - she had a point!
kaylo What age are you? Not only am I struggling here with names but now im having an age related breakdown!! (EARLY 30's)

OP posts:
CurlyCasper · 29/07/2009 08:33

Olivia - popular, but very pretty
Orla - beautiful - but I agree on spelling it orlaith, to keep with the Irish tradition
Serena - not so good IMO. Seren, which means 'star' in welsh, is nicer

Alexander - good, strong name with plenty of variations (Alex, Ali, Lex, Xander, Sandy...)
Brennan - not keen
Colm - great. Strong and proud!!!

Calum is still a strong Scottish name, but I fear it is being stolen by too many of the shellsuit Bob clan these days, which is a real shame.


lilacpink · 28/07/2009 22:41

I like all, never seen the name Colm before so not sure how it's pronounced though.

Kaylo · 28/07/2009 22:34


I think Brennan is a very cool name - to me Brendan is a name that sounds like the owner of said name would be mid 30's. Sorry to anyone who have lo's with that name - there aren't any around here - they're all married with 4kids of their own!

Alexander I love too but I'm one that wouldn't like to see it shortened and inevitably it would be - if not by me then by family/friends...etc

Colm - First time I've ever heard of it and I have to be made me think of Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings - if you're pronouncing it 'Collum' that is.

Olivia is such a wonderful pretty name but a lot of people think that and where I live there are many Olivia's that are about 5 or 6 however not many infants

Orla - LOVE IT!! Although I fear it may be a popular name for new baby girls.

Serena, I like it but it reminds of Selina - I personally like Alina. Not for everyone tho

I hope this helps - I hope I haven't offended anyone, it definitely wasn't intended!


Joycey29 · 28/07/2009 20:31

I love Orla and Colm but then I have several irish friends and know several Orlas and a Colm all who are lovely!

messalina · 28/07/2009 20:05

I'd give the thumbs up to Olivia, Serena and Alexander. All classic names that will stand the test of time. Brennan sounds like a surname. Colm and Orla are fine if you are Irish.

alardi · 28/07/2009 20:02

I don't like Orla (sorry to owners of said). It just sounds (imho) like it ought to be another word, not an actual name. It's the sort of name where I'd presume I must have misheard the first time.
I don't find the others objectionable.

kitsmummy · 28/07/2009 19:55

I have an Orla, so obviously love it

oliviasmama · 28/07/2009 19:53

My Olivia is a Liv too, very popular I know, some say common but I do love it....obviously

Orla and Alexander are lovely too.

macherie · 28/07/2009 19:24

I have an Alexander, we call him Sacha, very cool and suits him. He knows he can change it to Alex if he wants to, but he likes being a bit different.

I also like Liv as a shortening of Olivia.

Not keen on the rest, sorry.

piscesmoon · 28/07/2009 19:16

Alexander and Olivia-dislike the rest especially Orla.

MaybeAfterBreakfast · 28/07/2009 19:14

Olivia - fine, but too popular round here
Orla - love it
Serena - don't like

Alexander - like, don't know any in RL
Brennan - not keen
Colm - like, not chavvy. Callum very chavvy imho

Wonderstuff · 28/07/2009 19:13

I love all of them, particularly Orla, very pretty. Olivia is pretty popular, but if you like it go for it. Difficult to know what will be popular in the year you have a baby. I thought my choice was unusual (isla) but turns out it is bang on trend

Marthasmama · 28/07/2009 19:10

Another vote for Orla here. It is more interesting than Olivia (which I like but you're right it is very popular). I like the name Alex, it's always been one of my favourites.

AitchTwoOh · 28/07/2009 19:08

colm and orla both lovely imo.

RubyBlueberry · 28/07/2009 19:08

Spelling it Orlla might be nice?

bevlin · 28/07/2009 19:06

Although...That's 7 for Orla and 1 against. Maybe give it more thought. Thanks. x

OP posts:
skybright · 28/07/2009 17:57

I like Orla from your girls and i have a son called Colm so obviously love the name.

It means can be pronounced a couple of ways,my boy is col(as if you were going to say colin) then M.

I have never met another and it suits him too a tee.

5inthebed · 28/07/2009 17:36

Olivia - My friend has a little girl called this, and shortens it to Liv. Nice.
Orla - Not ugly at all, although prefer it spelt Orlaith
Serena - Not keen, what about Seren?

Alexander (Alex) - NEither here nor there
Brennan - Sounds silly with Evan
Colm - Lovely name

Nothing wrong with your choices, lovely names.

Deemented · 28/07/2009 17:31

Hmm Grin


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Caitni · 28/07/2009 17:31

I'd be with Maggie and say Brendan instead of Brennan...but only to try and stem the tide of surnames as first names

If you like Colm how about the Scottish version, Callum? That's much more familiar in England and is also lovely.

And you have lovely taste in names so you'll pick the right one eventually

maggievirgo · 28/07/2009 17:25

oooops, how's little Brennan?

I don't think it's awful, it just sounds like there's a d missing to me, that's all. If I came across one in rl I wouldn't be so harsh honestly!

Deemented · 28/07/2009 17:22

There's nowt wrong with Brennan, MaggieVirgo - Tis a good, strong name.

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