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would Winston be viable?

24 replies

Matsikula · 21/07/2009 20:35

We are toying with the name Winston for a boy, but I wonder if it's too 'Jamaican old gent' (we live in Brixton). My friends seem to think it's cool, but then, none of them have kids so I am not sure how seriously they have taken the name brainstorming sessions. Views welcome!

OP posts:
Merle · 22/07/2009 20:58

Yes use it. It's lovely; a very solid name.

GrendelsMum · 22/07/2009 20:43

Winston is great, it could be young Jamaican man too.

teddygirl23 · 22/07/2009 16:48

i like it the more i think of it,really grows on me.

KERALA1 · 22/07/2009 15:18

I like it.

maniacbug · 22/07/2009 12:59

Ooh, I love it!
Our son (as Caucasian as it gets + blonder than blond) is called Marlon. Not after Brando, though he was the only other one we knew at the time. But when I called his name out the other day as he was running off down the street, a middle-aged gentleman of colour was passing and said 'Marlon? Embrace the ghetto!' I am still not sure if he was offering his respect, or taking the piss...

Sunshinemummy · 22/07/2009 11:46

I like it a lot. Isnt it the name of the main character in 1984 as well?

MrsMattie · 22/07/2009 11:38

It's definitely got Churchill / old Jamaican geeza connotations, but I like it. Much nicer than a lot of old man names.

ZZZenAgain · 22/07/2009 11:37

we call our car Winston actually. (yes the car has a name...) Not much help to you though. Think Winston might be alright, not sure

Thefearlessfreak · 22/07/2009 11:37

Lovely name I think

notsoteenagemum · 22/07/2009 11:35

I love it Winston and Leroy were on my list for both dc but Dh said they were too Jamaican.
I wouldn't let Billie's name choice affect you though.

hocuspontas · 22/07/2009 11:20

It would have been good before BP.

JemL · 22/07/2009 11:18

I love it and would have it on our shortlist, but for the fact we had a rat called Winston, and everyone would think we had named our child after our pet.

It's a great name!

claraquack · 22/07/2009 07:59

It's cool because Jamaican old gents are cool!

belgo · 22/07/2009 07:58

Good name. Good history to it, but still very unusual.

MamaLazarou · 22/07/2009 07:26

Yes, whyever not? It's a smashing name. The only famous Winston I can think of is Churchill, who was decidedly white.

I would be shortlisting Winston myself if it weren't for B Piper.

audley · 21/07/2009 21:05

I suggested Winston to DH but he said too 'Jamaican old gent' I'm afraid. It wouldn't put me off but I suppose I have to consider his input!

LoveBuckets · 21/07/2009 20:53

How about Victor?

TomCruise · 21/07/2009 20:39

I really really like it, it's brilliant!
Blimey, that would have been a contender for us if we'd thought of it

expatinscotland · 21/07/2009 20:39

I like it for a black Highland or Cairn terrier .

serinBrightside · 21/07/2009 20:39

Oh, or Billie Piper might!!!

DiamondHead · 21/07/2009 20:38

I like.

serinBrightside · 21/07/2009 20:38

I don't know any others.

Think you might start a trend.


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Bellsa · 21/07/2009 20:37

Billie Piper has called her son Winston I think. I also think it's a good name. Slightly unusual, but with a tradition iyswim?

giddykipper · 21/07/2009 20:36

I like it. Billie Piper's son is Winston.

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