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Millicent - too old fashioned, or come full circle?

30 replies

JumeirahJane · 14/07/2009 11:03

Trying to avoid the top 100 names - Millicent for a little girl, but shorten to the better-known Millie for everyday?

OP posts:
mrsradders · 24/07/2009 14:05

i love millicent and had it on my list but DH said no

violethill · 23/07/2009 20:11

Millicent is lovely. Not keen on Millie though

expatinscotland · 23/07/2009 01:11

It always makes me think of that prize cow made up to be the female paragon of virture by that misogynist bastard Henry James.

So he ruined that name for me.

Plus I knew a gal called Penny, real name Millicent, and she was a royal bitch who thought she could sleep with my ex h even though she was so old I-don't-think-so-you-pathetic-slag-trying-to-pull-married-men.

No, don't name your daughter this.

RachieB · 23/07/2009 00:44

lol sophiesmummie!

I know a baby Millicent (Millie)
Don't like it myself

Gateau · 15/07/2009 09:30

I like it but Dh says it reminds him of Millitant - the big, aggressive, dungaree-wearing lesbian who used to appear in the Viz comic.

tummytickler · 14/07/2009 19:40

Scopette - thats interesting - our other name is Hilda as dh likes nn Hildy so i reckon that Mildy might win him over (I can ignore the slight mildewiness about it!)

Scorpette · 14/07/2009 18:02

tummytickler - If you like Mildred, my DP has a Great Aunt Mildy (pron. Mill-dy), short for Mildred. Think Mildy is sweet and not the now-v-popular Millie.

Milliecent is lovely - but everyone will call her Millie (it's popular for a reason though - it's sweet!).

Thandeka · 14/07/2009 18:01

I think of Millicent bystander too- best film ever!

sophiesmummie · 14/07/2009 17:51

Anything Milli- just makes me think 'thousand' - millipede, millimetre, etc.

And adding Cent (hundred) makes it an even stranger combination imo: "Thousand hundred"???

Maybe I just had too much Latin in school .

Raahh · 14/07/2009 17:24

Nickelbabe- you have me thinking now- I think (just to be awkward), I put equal stress on each syllable Mill-i-cent. But I am confusing myself thinking about it.
DH says it pronounced Mon-ster

lou031205 · 14/07/2009 17:19

DD1 is Millicent. She is 3.6, and we use Millie as a NN. (Millicent)

nickelbabe · 14/07/2009 16:57

is it pronounced Millicent or millicent?

I never knew, but i always said millicent margaret amanda when talking about millymollymandy

sockmonkey · 14/07/2009 16:40

I thought of Millicent Bystander too. Love that film.

paisleyleaf · 14/07/2009 16:29

ikwym Raahh, me and DH love it

jellybeans · 14/07/2009 16:25

I really don't like it, far far too old lady. I feel may get teased as the kids with old fashioned names often do at secondary. Stick with just Millie.

Raahh · 14/07/2009 16:22

pmsl- it's one of the few kids films i can watch over and over- alot of it goes over ds's head....

paisleyleaf · 14/07/2009 16:20

"You look pretty ridiculous now Millicent"!

Raahh · 14/07/2009 16:17

Rofl- Flushed Away is ds's favourite film- he loves the Millicent Bystander bit!!

paisleyleaf · 14/07/2009 16:16

I can't not think of Millicent Bystander now
(Flushed Away)

Raahh · 14/07/2009 16:14

I have a Millicent (mn Elizabeth)- she is 3 in August. We call her Millie most of the time, but I love her full name. I don't mind Millie being popular- not that i have actually come across another near here. lots of Maisies and Mollys though...

castille · 14/07/2009 15:56

Oh I love Millicent
DH wouldn't have it and it sounds silly with our surname but it's a secret love of mine

Gateau · 14/07/2009 15:49

Millicent - very pretty. But I don't like Millie.
Mildred? No!! Not when it conjures up images of randy Mildred Roper!


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JumeirahJane · 14/07/2009 14:00

thanks all

OP posts:
thirtysomething · 14/07/2009 13:52

great name but will always be shortened to Millie so you'll only get Millicent on official documents, school registers etc- if you're ok with this go for it!!

TheTeaThings · 14/07/2009 13:34

I smile every time I hear this name

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