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Seasons as Names

28 replies

fondlywaiting · 20/06/2009 00:56

We're definitely going to use a season name for our baby. I did like Summer though I did hear that this was getting popular.
The main ones in order of preference are Winter, Summer, Autumn. Spring isn't really on our list as it sounds silly and I;ve not heard as a name.
Winter, Summer, Autumn AND even Spring. Wdyt?

OP posts:
thell · 23/06/2009 13:28

Yep, I like Winter for those reasons too.

Not sure what I think about the season matching the one the child is born - most people don't know or think about each other's birthdays, but it would be an obvious question to ask...
there's quite a bit of leeway though, especially in the UK! eg October could be Autumn or Winter etc.

What do you think FW?

BunnyLebowski · 23/06/2009 11:31

That's how I see it too's my favourite season!

boodleboot · 23/06/2009 11:18

i honestly think of really beautiful imagery when i hear the word winter....all winter berries roaring fires and beautiful snowflakes and and rosy cheeks....

i am still flying the flag for Winter as a name - gorgeous.....

Frasersmum123 · 22/06/2009 13:00

Its nice if it matches the season, and I like Autumn, but Summer is very common around here (three is DS's school), spring is odd and I agree with the other poster about Winetr being dark and icy.

makingdotoo · 22/06/2009 11:45

I have a 4 year old Summer. When i fell pregnant again people kept saying, why dont you call it Winter if its a boy or Autumn if its a girl. Yeah so funny

I only like summer as a 'season' name.

serin · 22/06/2009 10:51

Autumn (Elizabeth)

teafortwo · 22/06/2009 00:55

fondlywaiting.... what are your thoughts now?

Kotek · 21/06/2009 13:37

Vesna is spring in some slavic languages and a common girls name in those languages if you fancy being exotic!

elvislives · 20/06/2009 20:29

Doesn't Verna mean spring?

BunnyLebowski · 20/06/2009 16:45

Nicole Richie's littl'un is Harlow Winter Kate - love it!

Like the hippyish idea of Summer but round these parts it's been adopted by Dawn from Eastenders types so puts me right off.

Autumn doesn't pass as a name for me and Spring would be hilarious! (not in a good way)

Granny23 · 20/06/2009 16:22

The Spring months - April, May and June, are of course all names.

Deemented · 20/06/2009 16:20

The manshape has declared he likes the name Winter, but spelled Wynter.

bluebump · 20/06/2009 16:12

boodleboot There are 5 girls as far as I know and only these two with the seasons for names! Oh and they weren't twins either!

MaggieBeau · 20/06/2009 15:16

Summer and Autumn work as names. The other two don't.

boodleboot · 20/06/2009 14:29

bluebump - no we don't have RL mutual friend i just was being nosey....i just couldn't imagine what she would be called with sisters autumn and summer....were they twins?

Bucharest · 20/06/2009 14:21

Agree with SoupDragon and Violet.

violethill · 20/06/2009 14:19

Agree with SoupDragon. The names are lovely for the seasons, not for babies.

SoupDragon · 20/06/2009 13:37

Daft idea. Especially if the name doesn't match the season she was born in.

smartiejake · 20/06/2009 13:34

One of my friends dds (grown up now) is called Autumn- I've always thought it was a lovely name. Summer is ok (although getting more popular) but Spring and Winter just sound daft.

mrswoolf · 20/06/2009 13:12

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

bluebump · 20/06/2009 12:24

She is called Amy. Do we have a mutual real life friend then?

boodleboot · 20/06/2009 12:22

bluebump out of interest what is your friend called?


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plonker · 20/06/2009 12:19

I don't like Winter, but that's purely because of the connotations (cold, icy, dark).

Autumn and Summer are lovely.

Spring seems odd as it has other meanings besides the season. When I think of Autumn or Summer I think of the rich shades of leaves or the warm summers sun - when I think of Spring I think of new life and green shoots, but also or jumping, a coil, a bed or a trampoline too, if that makes sense?

bluebump · 20/06/2009 12:17

My friend's sisters are called Autumn and Summer . I also know of another Summer. I quite like both names.

nickschick · 20/06/2009 12:12

Autumn is a beautiful name with the right surname and birthdate.

My mum has a cousin called breezy I think thats a fab name.

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