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44 replies

chloemegjess · 26/11/2008 22:47

Hi. Not sure what we are having yet but ages ago I heard the name Taya for a girl and thought it was lovely. But the more I think about it, the less I am liking it.

We have a short Surname which is why I was a bit worried that it won't be long enough.

What do you all think? tell me HONESTLY. If you hate it then please say it as we still have another 20 weeks to think of another one!

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Froginmythroat · 23/01/2009 19:17

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PheasantPlucker · 23/01/2009 14:11

Wow, it's better than the 'Manya' someone suggested! Manya?! Really?! I don't mean to offend anyone.... but MANYA?! (please excuse my ignorance if this name is popular.... I do admit to not being an expert in names )
An old Uni friend of mine has Teyha, which I has never heard of before until I got the birth card, and I assume she and her dh had kind of invented it.

BabyBaby123 · 23/01/2009 14:06

chavvy imo.

if you like the sound of it, you could use Taylor, at least it's a recognised name but still pretty bad imho...

LadyArden · 23/01/2009 14:00

Not keen, prefer Talia.

wombleprincess · 23/01/2009 13:39


FimboRabbieBurns · 23/01/2009 13:36

Not for me personally.

I know someone called Tanera, which is quite pretty

taya72 · 23/01/2009 13:34

Speaking for myself..I happen to be a Taya (pron Tay-ah) I love my name. Born in the 70's I loved the fact that I was not a Jennifer, Karen, Kelly, etc like all the other girls. I ALWAYS get compliments on my name and a few people have named their babies after hearing my name. On a downside, I do get called Tanya or Tia sometimes, but most get it right. Now in my 30's I am meeting more Taya's out there. I've seen it spelled Taja, Teah, Taia, Teja. However Taya really does sound the way it's spelled. BTW my maiden name was short (only 1 syllable) and it always had a nice ring to it.

chloemegjess · 29/11/2008 13:59

SO how is Thea pronounced? Just out of interest.

I agree about the whole georgia/jorja thing def. I only wrote Taya as that is the only way I knew of.

OP posts:
RachieB · 29/11/2008 13:54

HATE chavved up versions i meant to say !

RachieB · 29/11/2008 13:54

i've never seen it spelled Taya

But know a Teya and Thea

i think the spelling is important too, as have "chavved up" versions

eg Carys is a beautiful name ( IMO ) but Karis ?!! yuck

ditto Georgia / Jorja

aGalChangedHerName · 29/11/2008 12:40

DS1 told me that it was a character in Star Wars or Star Trek or something? Who knows?

If you like it go for it,doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!!

chloemegjess · 29/11/2008 10:11

Taiya is a better spelling. I was guessing when I wrote Taya - i don't really see the spelling as that important just how it sounds.

OP posts:
aGalChangedHerName · 29/11/2008 09:11

I CM for a little girl called Taiya. I like it.

cyteen · 29/11/2008 09:04

Agree with the majority here - it's not great and you will constantly have people saying Taylor or Tia or Tanya, or else mispronouncing it Tyre.

piscesmoon · 29/11/2008 08:59

I don't like Tanya either, but at least it is a recognisable name! Taya looks like a spelling mistake.

chloemegjess · 28/11/2008 22:16

Why is everybody saying tanya? I think that is worse! And nothing like taya, its completly different just spelt similar.

Thea - I didn't know thats how that was pronounced.

OP posts:
AnarchyAunt · 28/11/2008 21:58

If I am honest - it makes me think of a 2month old baby with a bow on her bald little head.


lunamoon2 · 28/11/2008 21:55

I actually quite like it, but I only know 1 other Taya.

atowncalledalice · 28/11/2008 17:19

Thea can be pronounced Taya. But I wouldn't use the Taya spelling - as others have said, it's very Jeremy Kyle.

piscesmoon · 28/11/2008 17:12

Horrible. Put a 'n' in it and have Tanya.

CoteDAzur · 28/11/2008 17:05

Don't do it.

Grammaticus · 28/11/2008 17:04

Yup. Jeremy Kyle, sorry. It's made up, isn't it?


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nailpolish · 28/11/2008 17:03

Taya is horrible

totally insipid

RachieB · 28/11/2008 17:02

I quite like Taya / Teya but not the spelling/s!

Thea and Talia are lovely IMO

falcon · 27/11/2008 13:37

Far too chavvy imho

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