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35 replies

tummytickler · 09/07/2008 20:25


Hubby and I are loving Gwendolyn at the moment. What do you think?
Is Ben 10's chum Gwen going to make it madly popular?
I think we would use Winnie as a nn as our other 4 have old and more unusual names so it would fit.

It is that or Hilda, Enid or Phyllis at the moment.

Lots of honest opinions please!

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Califrau · 12/07/2008 21:56

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daffodill6 · 12/07/2008 21:52

Loved the Mallory Towers books and DD has just finished the first too... but Gwendolyn has always reminded me of Windolene....???

Fimbo · 12/07/2008 21:49

Sorry don't like Gwendolyn (sorry FAQ .

I think Jean would sit well with your other dc.

VictorianSqualor · 12/07/2008 21:47

Mallory towers here for me too.

Califrau · 12/07/2008 21:46

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BirdyArms · 12/07/2008 21:45

Like Gwen but Gwendolyn, for me, is the pathetic girl from Mallory Towers.

BirdyArms · 12/07/2008 21:45

Like Gwen but Gwendolyn, for me, is the pathetic girl from Mallory Towers.

Mavornia · 12/07/2008 21:43

Not bad but I prefer Guinevere or Olwen

puppydavies · 12/07/2008 15:37

i think all the "wen" names are really pretty, i really like anwen but wouldn't have worked for us w/dd1's name and aelwen even more but it's just too lord of the rings to get away with now.

for some reason i would expect the -en spelling in wales, and the -yn as an english version, i think because most of the -yn welsh names i know are boys names. also i think the -en pronunciation is softer, prettier.

hellish · 12/07/2008 15:11

Malory Towers - prefer Darrell, now she was a 'spirited' girl

mrswoolf · 12/07/2008 15:11

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mrswoolf · 12/07/2008 15:08

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Gemzooks · 11/07/2008 22:33

I love it but spelled Gwendolen. DH refused, then we had a boy anyway... (Darius Jonathan)

TwoFir · 11/07/2008 08:27
FAQ · 10/07/2008 22:01

yes I got teased.

elle23 · 10/07/2008 15:04

not sure...its ok, not too fuddy. shortened to Gwen sounds fab! although somewhere on this thread i saw something about Enid? VERY cool

TwoFir · 10/07/2008 14:31

FAQ did you get teased or did no one else read Enid Blyton? I want to say something witty about being chums with whoever she was chums with but I cant remember now and its not helpful is it!

JessJess3908 · 10/07/2008 10:40

I vote yes - makes me think of Arthurian Legends (tho I know that's Gwenevere) and the very cool (IMHO) Gwen Stefani.

Absolute no to Hilda, Enid or Phyllis , Enid or Phyllis tho... all sound like frumpy teachers at very uptight girls finishing school.

FAQ · 10/07/2008 10:38

oh and another thing - if you're not Welsh - and do choose Gwen as a name - be warned that she will spend the rest of her life having to tell people that she's not Welsh......

Mind you I didn't really help matters when we named DS1 - Tafara - Taf/Taffy for short - we weren't in the UK when we chose the name so it didn't occur to me that would open strengthen the "Welsh connection" (which doesn't actually exist at all lol)

I like Phyllis - had a lovely friend at school with that name.

schneebly · 10/07/2008 10:31

Gwen is nice

am thinking of names that go with the ones you have already (I like all of your current DC names btw)

Flowery ones;

Ruby (lovely though poss overused at the moment)
Philippa (Pippa?)

FAQ · 10/07/2008 10:23

TwoFir..........can you believe my parents
ok - my middle name isn't Mary......but it's pretty damn close

TwoFir · 10/07/2008 10:21

Is there a Gwen in Torchwood? Maybe its making a comeback? A bit Enid Blyton but I quite like it Not with Mary as a middle name tho!


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FAQ · 09/07/2008 20:56

oh I can guarantee whether you call her


or any other variation - she'll get called all of the above - not to mention Gwennie.........

BettySpaghetti · 09/07/2008 20:55

I know a 3yr old Gwen -really suits her. Not so keen on the full Gwendolyn though

tummytickler · 09/07/2008 20:52

Oh if i tell my others names it will be obvious who i am if someone i know reads this!
Oh well -

Elijah, Amos, Iris and Pearl.

Thanks for opinions - didnt think of Gwen Stefani - i dont foresee a problem there though - she seems pleasant enough even if her music is terrible

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