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55 replies

NeedMoreCoffeePlease · 17/04/2024 22:23

Opinions - is Arley more a girl or boys name? I’m aware it can be used for both, but which do you think it is more popular with?

Also, general thoughts on the name?

OP posts:
Gymmum82 · 17/04/2024 22:25

It’s a stately home in the north west of England. Arley Hall. I could never hear it as a name. Would always remind me of the hall

RosaSkyes · 17/04/2024 22:26

I know a boy Arly , although it sounds pretty unisex. Arla/Arlo I would say are more gendered

I quite like it- although it’s very similar to quite a few popular names

Moreteaandchocolate · 17/04/2024 22:26

I don’t know anyone called Arley, it sounds a bit more feminine than masculine to me. I’m personally not too keen on it because I think it would get misheard as “Harley”.

Okayornot · 17/04/2024 22:27

To me it looks like it is missing a letter and should be Harley or Barley maybe.

I did a quick google and there are a couple of US sites suggesting it is a British name meaning rabbit meadow or similar, to which I call bullshit.

OliveTheaBough · 17/04/2024 22:27

Sounds like Harley, for people who drop Hs. It just doesn’t sound like a real name to me

MumChp · 17/04/2024 22:27

Unisex and awful.

checkedshirts · 17/04/2024 22:28

It sounds like 'Our Lee' or a mispronounced Harley.

SittingBackAndWatchingTheClowns · 17/04/2024 22:28

OliveTheaBough · 17/04/2024 22:27

Sounds like Harley, for people who drop Hs. It just doesn’t sound like a real name to me

I agree

SmallIslander · 17/04/2024 22:29

It's not a name I've heard before at all. I suppose it sounds a bit more like a boy's name, like Harley? I guess if it that's unusual you could use for either.

Illpickthatup · 17/04/2024 22:31

Yeah like most posters have said, I think people would mishear it as Harley. My DSD has a friend call Aarla which I think is nicer.

PlantDoctor · 17/04/2024 22:45

I agree, it looks like it's missing a letter. Sorry

MummySam2017 · 17/04/2024 22:47

MumChp · 17/04/2024 22:27

Unisex and awful.

Sorry, OP. I’m usually in the minority as I don’t mind the made up names as much. But I’m really not a fan of this one. You (and little one) will constantly have to correct. It will be heard as a mispronounced ‘Harley’.

I agree with others that Arlo or Arla sound nicer. Congratulations by the way ❤️

AnnoyedByAlfieBear · 17/04/2024 22:47

I know a boy Arlie. He's a toddler.

DonnasShrugaleros · 17/04/2024 22:49

Our Lee??

babyhiding · 17/04/2024 22:50

It sounds like someone who can't pronounce the letter 'h' trying to say Harley.

maudelovesharold · 17/04/2024 22:52

Have never come across Arley. If you’re after that vibe, why not go for Harley, because it’ll constantly be mistaken for that, anyway! Harley is a unisex name, I believe.

MonsteraMama · 17/04/2024 22:53

I've only ever seen it spelled Arlie, as a diminutive of Arlene, which is very feminine and a bit yeehaw.

Moonshine5 · 17/04/2024 22:54

It's not great

Asterales · 17/04/2024 22:56

@OliveTheaBough Sounds like Harley, for people who drop Hs. It just doesn’t sound like a real name to me

Exactly this.

foreverbasil · 17/04/2024 22:57

Arley Hall is a well known stately home and wedding venue in Cheshire

ThursdayTomorrow · 17/04/2024 22:58

It sounds like Charlie gone wrong.
Or Carly gone wrong.
Arlo is better if it’s for a boy.

MsFaversham · 17/04/2024 22:59

Awful name, sorry.


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serin · 17/04/2024 23:09

foreverbasil · 17/04/2024 22:57

Arley Hall is a well known stately home and wedding venue in Cheshire

And Indeed the setting for many a TV series including peaky blinders.

DavidBattenburgh · 17/04/2024 23:11

It's one of the houses in our kids secondary comp in Cheshire. I think it's red if that's helpful Smile

murasaki · 17/04/2024 23:13

Imagine it as a name for an adult. Just no.

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