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Amelie (Mimi) - name doubts

51 replies

SleepEatPoopRepeat · 20/11/2021 09:37

We had a little girl and called her Amelie. I lived in France for a long time and liked the french link. My husband and DD1 have started calling her Mimi.

My mum told me Mimi is ridiculous and a cartoon name and also few people struggle to say Amelie - doesn’t rope off tongue as easy as Emily or Amelia. This has just given me name doubts which I’m stressing over - have we picked wrong name.

Please can you give me reassurance or tell me if it is actually awful.


OP posts:
Olive60 · 23/11/2021 21:24

I love Amelie.

My daughter is Amelia and has been called mimi/me-me all her life by family, friends & teachers!

Fivebeanchilli · 23/11/2021 23:01

Amelie is a fabulous name.
Mimi is very cute.
I think your mum is wrong and is being unfair.

liveforsummer · 24/11/2021 06:46

It's a gorgeous name. Not overused but without being 'out there' or 'made up'. Mimi is cute, she can go on to use Ammy (pronounced ah- may not Ay mee) when older if she likes.

Orphlids · 24/11/2021 07:07

Ignore your mum. Amelie is well known and popular in the UK now. It’s lovely. And Mimi is a fabulous name. It had s a surge in popularity as a given name at the end of the 19th century, after the opening of Puccini’s opera, La Bohème, so you can tell your mum she should widen her cultural horizons (and learn some manners) and accept it. Congratulations on baby.

LittleGwyneth · 26/11/2021 11:02

I absolutely love Mimi as a nickname. None of the long names my DP and I like lend themselves to it annoyingly.

Santaischeckinglists · 26/11/2021 11:05

I know a Melanie who goes by Mimi and she is 50 ish!!

LakeShoreD · 26/11/2021 11:11

Your mum is bonkers. Amelie is really quite popular and there’s now a musical in the west end based on the film so of course people know how to pronounce it. I know a couple of older French ladies that go by Mimi so it’s not something I’d think of as being babyish at all.

ZebraKid71 · 27/11/2021 15:21

My sister is Amelie, she's in her 30s and it was seen as unusual when we were younger and she didn't like it so always went by Amy. I know quite a few little amelies now so I don't think it would be an issue.

Mimi is cute, Millie would also work I think.

NdujaWannaDance · 27/11/2021 15:40

Amelie is no more difficult to say that Emily or Amelia, your mum is being ridiculous.

I don't really get the leap from Amelie to Mimi, I'll admit, but then there's no law that says a nickname needs to make sense to anyone else. Besides, it sounds as though it evolved naturally over time rather than picking a nickname first then trying too hard to find a proper name to work with it.

Mimi is very pretty. Both names are lovely. Don't change it.

RAOK · 27/11/2021 15:45

It’s gorgeous. Amelie k/a Mimi is one of my top names. Lots of girls have the nickname Mimi.

Timeforwinterclothes · 27/11/2021 15:55

I have a French background. Everyone had a nickname. We had a Mimi too. I love it.

gogohm · 27/11/2021 15:56

Mimi is lovely.

Irishfarmer · 27/11/2021 17:15

Beautiful name and lovely nn, not sure what you mam is on about

SaticoyStreet · 27/11/2021 17:48

I’m an adult who’s nickname is Mimi and I get loads of lovely compliments! They’re being daft.

ozzyfroggy · 27/11/2021 18:52

I suspect the french would nickname Amelie to Lili, but a nickname can be anything. I'd introduce her as Amelie though. Saying my name is..., but call me ... is totally standard in the UK. Then she can decide how she wants to be know when she's older.

Tal45 · 27/11/2021 18:58

I absolutely love it. So pretty

OGenkiDesuKa · 27/11/2021 19:03

I have an Amelie and her nn was Mimi as her best friend couldn’t say Amelie!

riotlady · 27/11/2021 19:08

Mimi is super cute!

vitta · 27/11/2021 19:09

I absolutely love the name Amelie!

Callingallskeletons · 27/11/2021 19:10

I think Amelie is beautiful, I have to admit I don’t like Mimi but if you and DH are ok with it then really what is it to anyone else??

malteser1212 · 27/11/2021 19:21

Amelie is lovely (it is not difficult to say in any way, you say it as it is spelt). I also know several Mimi's whose names have come about as a result of being a nickname. They are all differing in age and totally suit their names! One in her 50s, two in their 40s, one in her 20s and another who is 12. They all totally own their name, are unique and brilliant in their own ways - I would hesitate to say that there is anything particularly cutesy about any of them. We're in West London if that makes any difference.

Amelie is beautiful, Mimi is fantastic and I think it's lovely to have a choice between two such strong names.

muddyford · 27/11/2021 19:22

Amelie is beautiful. Mimi sounds like a character from a Carry On film.


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LadyCluck · 27/11/2021 19:23

Amelie is a beautiful name.

I have an Amelia and we call her Mimi. It suits her and we love it.

Screenburn · 14/12/2021 19:46

Nothing wrong with either Amelie or Mimi, but I’m not sure how you get Mimi from Amelie (unless you’re pronouncing it uh-MEE-lee, which…isn’t correct). A more natural shortening would be Ammi or Lili.

Of course if your choice of Mimi is unconnected to Amelie then ignore that completely Grin

Foxglovers · 14/12/2021 21:55

I think Amelie is a lovely name! It was on my list. Mimi is a cute nickname! Just mix up calling her Amelie and mimi and then she gets both to choose from

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