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59 replies

AfternoonSwoon · 17/02/2021 15:11

I believe it means Honeybee.
What are your thoughts about Melissa..?

OP posts:
partyatthepalace · 17/02/2021 23:29

I don't mind it - don't think it's very distinguished - but on the other hand it's pretty and there aren't many of them.

Only thing is... Mel as a nn.

Otherwise... Cassia, Alicia, Clarissa, Marina....

luluorange · 17/02/2021 22:00

Like it but as others have said, dislike Mel unfortunately. I prefer Alyssa or Clarissa

bourbonne · 17/02/2021 21:26

It definitely does feel slightly glam and special compared to the names I grew up with too! (Sarah, Laura, Emma, Becky, Vicky, Sam...)

HaveYouGotAPuddlesuit · 17/02/2021 21:24

One of my childhood friends was Melissa (primary together in the 90s.) Her mum used to call her Liss but the rest of us used to just call her Melissa. It was quite unusual then in a class full of Katies and Beckys and Sarahs and Victorias! I think it’s got quite an American feel

splishsplashsploshs · 17/02/2021 21:21

It's a pleasant change.

Sittingonthefence83 · 17/02/2021 21:20

Love it!

I know a Melissa and it's never been shortened to Mel, so it's not a given.

bourbonne · 17/02/2021 21:18

Love it.

The only drawback for me is that Mel is inevitable, and while it's not an awful nickname I associate it with Melanie, which is quite dated and not as nice IMO as Melissa.

But that's a tiny drawback. The meaning is lovely, it's pretty, it's simple, and it has substance, not just a string of sounds.

Spidey66 · 17/02/2021 21:17

Lovely name.

TheRedFox · 17/02/2021 21:14

Very 80s to me and I'm not a fan of the "ss" sound.

SeanChailleach · 17/02/2021 20:41

It's a lovely name.

TheYearOfSmallThings · 17/02/2021 20:18

It's my middle name and I've always been grateful my DF for vetoing it as my first name.

It's pretty, but it's tacky.

Ijustlikedthename · 17/02/2021 20:08

Melissa is lovely. Dislike Mel but really like Lissa or issa as a nickname

Mopani · 17/02/2021 19:45

I think it's lovely.

MsTSwift · 17/02/2021 19:41

Lovely. Much more interesting than all the Amelias Eves and Olivias will be the only one in the class

mum2jakie · 17/02/2021 19:40

A lovely name but very common in the 90s. Just bear in mind that it may seem out of vogue in 10/20 years time when other Melissa's will be in their forties.

GlennRheeismyfavourite · 17/02/2021 19:38

Love it!

MotherHaryy · 17/02/2021 19:37

I like it - could be missy of lissy for short

pilates · 17/02/2021 19:36

Not keen, 80’s feel

cptartapp · 17/02/2021 19:36

Very pretty in its entirety. Lissy sounds a bit wet as a nn though.
Like Alissa and Alicia too.

PuffItsGone · 17/02/2021 19:33

What about Larissa or Clarissa to avoid Mel?

scrivette · 17/02/2021 19:32

Melissa is a very pretty name.

DragonPoop · 17/02/2021 19:31

I like Melissa, love the nickname Lissa or Lissy, but I hate (with a burning passion) the nickname Mel. No idea why


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sadpapercourtesan · 17/02/2021 19:26

It's a bit fussy. And dated. And Mel is bloody awful.

Lissie is OK for a little girl, but it will end up as Mel.

IamnotwhouthinkIam · 17/02/2021 19:26

I prefer the similar Nerissa (Shakespearean with a lovely meaning) or Larissa (has the nice nn Lara).

But Melissa is pretty and the meaning is cute. I don't find it as dated/80's as Melanie, but it will likely get the same nn (Mel) so I wouldn't use it unless you don't mind that.

RuledbyASD · 17/02/2021 19:25

Love it!!!!

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