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Would it rhyming siblings’ names bother you?

43 replies

Ithoughtyouwere · 13/01/2020 09:08

Desperately trying to find a name for DD2, currently thinking of one name in particular but it rhymes with DD1's name. I know ultimately when they're older it wouldn't matter, and they're not twins, but thinking of people's reactions is putting me off!

Would it bother you and would you judge someone else with rhyming siblings' names?

It's not Tess and Jess or anything but the ends of their names rhyme.

OP posts:
Lazydaisydaydream · 19/01/2020 10:09

Just a slightly different perspective @Ithoughtyouwere ... I have a very slight speech impediment and struggle to say those two names together as its a bit of a tongue twister. If your daughters have any speech issues when they are little they might struggle to say the two names together Smile

Urkiddingright · 15/01/2020 21:53

I know of a Marley and Harley and Millie and Mollie. It’s really not my cup of tea at all, I cannot fathom why anyone would want to do it. The parents have only changed one letter in the name.

golddustwomen · 15/01/2020 20:00

I think they are completely fine together!!! And beautiful names. Just love Delilah, so so pretty.

ImportantWater · 15/01/2020 19:55

I think they are fine. It’s not like Jamie and Amy or Holly and Polly. I had a friend whose name not only rhymed very obviously with her brother’s, but was spelt unusually so it would “rhyme” written down as well. She had two other siblings and I thought her parents missed an opportunity there, they could have all rhymed (there were names available!).

HannahC86 · 15/01/2020 11:11

I had a similar issue when we were choosing names... in the end it wasnt the ryhming-ness that bothered me but the fact that the longer name (as it also encompassed the same final sound of the shorter name, but also had its own additional sounds) seemed to swallow-up/over-shadow the shorter one. Lyra is a beautiful, classy, simple, strong name; Delilah is also lovely but in a different way, they dont seem that well-balanced. I was worried my first (with the shorter name) would feel short-changed, or just that the beauty of her name would be over-looked by the friller name of the second child.

PlantPotting · 14/01/2020 12:57

Jemima is a good one!

How about Aria or Amara or Emmie/Emmy

Or Ottilie or Maisie or Sadie or Clementine (clemmie£? Hang on maybe I’m just listing names I like now 🙈

IVflytrap · 14/01/2020 12:40

It's not so much the rhyming that's the issue, it's that Lilah sounds far too similar to Lyra - Delilah wouldn't be able to go by Lilah at home.

I like the alternate suggestions of Delia and Dahlia as mentioned above. Some more suggestions:


PlantPotting · 14/01/2020 12:21

Completely agree @diddlediddle ❤️

diddlediddle · 14/01/2020 12:08

Lyra and Delilah don't really rhyme - they just both end in A which is common with girls names.

They sound absolutely fine together and are lovely names.

Ignore the haters!

TerribleCustomerCervix · 13/01/2020 22:32

Sounds like a kids tv programme when they’re said together.

Lyra is a lovely name.

PlantPotting · 13/01/2020 22:31

Names I find similar to Delilah:


PlantPotting · 13/01/2020 22:29

I agree with PP those two names have a great flow! I’d stick with those 2 choices - lovely

PlantPotting · 13/01/2020 22:29

@Ithoughtyouwere Lyra and Delilah are fine I think OP (in relation to rhyming).

I know you don’t want to hear it but Delilah really is the most gorgeous name. Adore it (and Lyra)

namechangenumber2 · 13/01/2020 22:24

My DH and DS2's names rhyme, not DS2's full name but the nickname version which he has acquired as he got older. It's annoying as it sounds daft when I say it ( think like Tom and Dom!) and I regret not thinking about that when we named DS2..

InvisibleWomenMustBeRead · 13/01/2020 22:23

Lyra and Dahlia would be good!

DramaAlpaca · 13/01/2020 22:18

I think you could just about get away with those, OP.

I like both names.

Lucylivesinamushroomhouse · 13/01/2020 22:16

I wouldn’t but I’m anal about names going together. You’ll be saying the 2 names together aaaaaaaall the time so it helps if they roll off the tongue. “Lyra and Delilah” does actually have a nice flow.

What about Delana?

Ellmau · 13/01/2020 21:26

I don't think that's too rhymy actually.

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 13/01/2020 20:20

Yeah they rhyme a little too much for me.

What about Lyra and Delia / Lyra and Dahlia(or is it Dhalia)?

Love Lyra btw.

Ithoughtyouwere · 13/01/2020 20:16

I don’t really care for people’s thoughts on the names (hence why I didn’t include them in the op) as I like them both, but I do think the similarity/rhyming is putting me off too much which is a shame 😕. Back to the drawing board I suppose!

OP posts:
StormBaby · 13/01/2020 20:09

I know a few families like this and I do judge a bit. Two families have all the kids ending in the 'ley' sound, boys and girls. One has seven kids and they all end in - ley!

Another one I find very odd is when all the kids are named after or sound like someone else in the house. So feminine versions of dad's name etc. How uninspired and confusing!

Quizeerascal · 13/01/2020 20:04

I think those names are fine together. I was expecting something more similar (like Gemma and Emma) when I first read the op. Lots of siblings have names with similar endings. I know a Katie and Rosie for example, an Olivia and Noah and a Julia and Elena and its never even occurred to me that they rhyme.


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RachelEllenR · 13/01/2020 19:59

I think they're too similar. I purposely chose quite different sounding names, I didn't even want similar endings though.

MikeUniformMike · 13/01/2020 19:57

Delilah is awful and Lira and Lila(h) is too much.

MikeUniformMike · 13/01/2020 19:55

I know a Sam and his brother Dan. Nice names. I didn't think it odd.

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