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Daisy Grace

36 replies

pinky127 · 06/12/2019 16:27

Does it sound too "cutesy" or fine?

OP posts:
emstone · 07/12/2019 09:45

I work in Cardiology and one of our most renowned surgeons is called Betsy. In a male dominating field, she is doing amazing. You're name will never hold you back, who ever thinks that is daft.

diddlediddle · 07/12/2019 09:59

It's a bit twee together - daisy is fine, Grace is a bit of a filler name. Could pick something with a bit more gravitas for the middle?
Daisy Eleanor
Daisy Alexandra
Daisy Ophelia

coco1728 · 07/12/2019 10:04

My friend has a Daisy Grace it's a lovely name

Hellbentwellwent · 07/12/2019 10:05

I immediately thought disgrace too

MrsAgassi · 07/12/2019 10:08

Daisy is very popular (as is Grace for a middle name), but if that doesn’t bother you then go for it!

Grufallosfriends · 07/12/2019 11:56

I don't like either of the two names.

midsomermurderess · 07/12/2019 13:37

Too cutesy for me. I know a Daisy who dislikes her name. Her sister Florence now uses that having moved away from cutesy diminutives but Daisy has nowhere to go with her name. Cutesy for life.

daisypond · 07/12/2019 13:54

Daisy is a standard short form for Margaret. You could use that if you weren’t sure about Daisy as a full name.

Bluerussian · 07/12/2019 13:56

I like.

Grufallosfriends · 07/12/2019 14:34

All the Margarets I know tend to be known as Maggie or Margaret.

Daisy feels like a different name (despite the same meaning)

VenusClapTrap · 07/12/2019 16:40

Bit twee, but I’ve heard worse.

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