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Linked names by theme. What do you think?

43 replies

Mummaluelae · 07/10/2018 19:14

Just curiosity really. My DC both begin with e.
I went to school with kids who began with v, Vincent and his triplet sisters verity, Valerie and veronica.
A friend has children with gem themes. Girls are ruby and pearl, boys are Lennox and topaz.
Also a woman who used to babysit my neighbours kids a few years ago was called storm, and she called her daughter kat and son rhyno!

OP posts:
LavenderBush · 08/10/2018 17:58

My two DCs have names with the same (or very similar) meaning - but you wouldn't know that unless you looked up the meanings of the names, because the names themselves are nothing alike. (Think Hilary and Isaac, both meaning 'merry' or 'laughing one').

My sister's name also has that meaning, although again it's a different name.

I love the meaning of the names and I also wanted to name them 'after' my sister, although not in an obvious way.

cheapskatemum · 08/10/2018 18:50

Mine all have short, Celtic names and people often comment on their nice names. DH chose all their first names, so I can't take the credit! I like that they're short, particularly when writing Christmas cards Grin. DS1 and DH have the same initial and it's already a nightmare knowing whose post is whose. Friends of mine have the same initial, J, and also named each of their 4 children names beginning with J!

Atthebottomofthegarden · 08/10/2018 21:54

I know an Indigo. Oh the fun you could have matching it with other names! You could have an entire rainbow! 🌈

SchadenfreudePersonified · 08/10/2018 22:11

I know sisters with matching first and middle initials. Post must be a nightmare in their house!

Yes - but you only need to get one set of sew-on labels for their school clothes.

Beeziekn33ze · 08/10/2018 22:26

Violet loves having a rainbow name. I knew a Red who was happy with her name, Blue is quite popular. Indigo sounds all right. I'm not so sure about Green, Yellow and Orange though.
Jilly Cooper had an artist character in Pandora who'd named his many children after paint colours. They were Viridian, Alizarin, Sienna and Emerald I think.

TheLastMermaid · 08/10/2018 23:06

I know a family who gave every girl the same name as part of their name, eg Anna, Anne-Marie, Carrie-Ann and Annabel. Plus Nicholas. I don't know his middle name but I'd hope it wasn't Ann(e). Maybe it was Anthony! The Mum claimed it hadn't been intentional but I can't believe someone didn't point it out after the first two or three.

BackforGood · 08/10/2018 23:18

I know sisters with matching first and middle initials. Post must be a nightmare in their house!

Yes - but you only need to get one set of sew-on labels for their school clothes.

Though a quick glance at the name label tells me which dc to return the school uniform, etc to, when I'm giving back the clean washing. Wink

SAK1976 · 08/10/2018 23:30

I know someone who called their children Mila and Liam, ( anagram)

letsgetreadytosamba · 08/10/2018 23:38

My mum, sister and I all have the same initials unintentionally. I was meant to be a boy so they were caught off guard! Tbh it was a pain in the arse when I got old enough to get mail because another M Smith always opened it before I got to it!

FairNotFair · 09/10/2018 08:03

I do know a family with all quite normal names and then just one quite different

Not forgetting Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine ... and Lydia

Seafoodeatit · 09/10/2018 09:01

I'm not a fan of themes or matchy names, I don't like the idea of picking names to go with each other though because to me the children are individuals, when they're adults people will not be asking what their siblings are called to see if they match.

NoSleepTil2030 · 09/10/2018 09:50

Naff. Better suited to pets than people.

steppemum · 09/10/2018 10:09

They were Viridian, Alizarin, Sienna and Emerald I think

They are actually lovely.

I know a family where mum and dad both had names beginning with J, so they named their 5 kids with names beginning with J.

Then 4 of the 5 managed to marry peopel with names beginning with J

So the last spouse, poor bloke, stuck out like a sore thumb!
Didn't know them once the grandchildren came along, I am willing to bet that none of them have a J....

Liverpool23 · 09/10/2018 10:28

I have a lovely friend who's 5 children are all something beginning with R. I always think that it must be confusing when the post arrives.

The latest one, a 2 year old now has the NICEST name but I couldn't possibly use it, as it is a popular Muslim name and I think, that could cause an awful lot of confusion for my future child/family

Blatherskite · 09/10/2018 10:32

At my kids school, one parent - named Richard - named his DD Riccarda and his DS Richard. That takes some ego!

Mummaluelae · 09/10/2018 16:32

Its funny how people see the linked names. I know sisters, let's call them Carly Ann and Sarah rose, carly called her daughter Clara Ann. And Sarah caller her daughter Sara rose. Now that to me I just bizzare. Similar name to mum and same middle name!
I used to work in childcare. Twins were called timmy and tommy, which is cute. But also a Nigerian family whose children attended nursery called their children heaven, praise, faith and lord!

OP posts:
Liverpool23 · 09/10/2018 16:43

@Mummaluelae - Nigerian family here and my 2 nieces are called Praise and Favour :) Lord may be pushing it a little though....

steppemum · 09/10/2018 19:05

I love those Nigerian names, I met a lady recently whose name was God'sblessing.
May be bit hard to live up to though!

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