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Iris or Nuala

30 replies

Giantbabybump24 · 13/09/2018 23:41

I quite like the names Iris and Nuala (pronounced noola, unless I’m mistaken)

Will have an older brother called Orrin. What do people think sounds better?

OP posts:
abos · 15/09/2018 11:02

Iris is gorgeous!

LeeMiller · 14/09/2018 14:46

Iris is beautiful.

TheWinterofOurDiscountTentsMk2 · 14/09/2018 12:35

Nuala is only a grannys name if you are talking about grannies in their 30's and 40's! It's definitely not a Doris name.

tazzy73 · 14/09/2018 11:57

My Godmothers name is Nuala, old name but love it.

Giantbabybump24 · 14/09/2018 11:11

Funny you say that as Isis was on the list as it’s a girls name I’ve always liked and I love the Bob Dylan song, but decided against it for obvious reasons!

OP posts:
RavenWings · 14/09/2018 11:05

Nuala is awful. It's like naming your kid Shirley or Carol these days - totally out of style. It's not like Iris, Betty etc which are granny chic.

wildewillow · 14/09/2018 10:59

Iris is a flower/Greek goddess of the rainbow. Isis (once a lovely - now rendered unusable - name of an Egyptian goddess) is a name given by the media to a terrorist organisation.
No child is going to ever associate the two together and if they did it's not a nn that would ever stick, adults would stop that right away.

Both Iris and Nuala are lovely. Iris would be my pick.

Rarfy · 14/09/2018 10:41

Yes, kids used anything to give an awful nickname.

Greenglassteacup · 14/09/2018 10:31

Wtf worry about Isis?!!!!

Rarfy · 14/09/2018 10:19

I thought new ahh la as well and the lion king weirdly.

But pronounced Noola it's lovely. Love Iris too and wouldn't mind it for my own but worry about isis.

NonaGrey · 14/09/2018 10:17

Nuala is a pretty well known Irish name in my opinion. I don’t live in Ireland and I’ve known several.

Telling people how to pronounce your name really isn’t that big a deal.

Iris is also lovely though OP.

pineappple · 14/09/2018 10:15


Courtney555 · 14/09/2018 10:13

I see that from the thread. But people won't have this thread... That's what I mean, she'll spend half her life correcting mispronounciation (which I'm sure I've just misspelled 🤔😅)

LipstickHandbagCoffee · 14/09/2018 10:08

No,no wah in nuala
Quite straightforward it’s Noo-la
No wah, no new

OkPedro · 14/09/2018 02:54

Its pronounced New La Courtney

There is no "Wah" sound in there so it
sounds nothing like koala..

Courtney555 · 14/09/2018 02:45

Iris is beautiful.

The other one, I've never heard of, I pronounced in my head as "Noo-wah-la" which sounds suspiciously like koala, or something from The Lion King.

I think Nuala, DD would spend her life going "it's NOO-LA"

Iris, is just Iris, and truly lovely.

Sophronia · 14/09/2018 02:24


TheDowagerCuntess · 14/09/2018 02:19

Could I interest you in Fionnuala? Pn (unless I'm much mistaken) Fin-oola.

Fion (Fin) is a nice nickname.

junebirthdaygirl · 14/09/2018 02:19

Nuala is fabulous and not common so yes to that.
Love lris too but Nuala is better with your boy. I wouldn't worry about it being oldfashioned as l have heard it mentioned a few times recently so not too out there. Youngest one l know is 27.

WerewolfNumber1 · 14/09/2018 02:08

Nuala goes well with Orrin, plus it’s v cool.

moredoll · 14/09/2018 01:19


SpacePenguin · 14/09/2018 00:05

Nuala, definitely. Gorgeous name. I know youngish Nualas (30s, 40s), but absolutely no granny's with that name. Love the name and it would be on my girls name list in a heartbeat. Due a comeback, imo.

You could try Noor or Nora if you wanted something sort of similar but with a more direct phonic spelling.


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Giantbabybump24 · 13/09/2018 23:57

Interesting that nuala is a bit of a granny name- just like the sound of it but imagine she’ll have a lifetime of explaining how to pronounce it!

OP posts:
Calphurnia · 13/09/2018 23:56

Depends on what accent is local to you.

I love Iris, but no go due to MiL's accent

Giantbabybump24 · 13/09/2018 23:56

Thanks, not really that fussed on both names being Irish- just coincidence that they both are!

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