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Alexandra, Alice or Lydia?

36 replies

cc22cupcakes · 03/11/2017 22:41

Just that really! What do you prefer? Middle name would be Margaret (using a family name).

OP posts:
Hazelatte26 · 04/11/2017 19:48

Alice Margaret or Lydia Margaret flows better to my ears than Alexandra Margaret.

disappearingninepatch · 04/11/2017 20:22

Lydia - I love that name and cannot understand why it isn't more popular.

Mumoftwoyoungkids · 04/11/2017 20:53

Love Alexandra. Wanted to call ds Alexandra (Ally for short) until the 20week scan showed up an “extra bit”. (Funnily enough - I never fancied Alexander for him.) Great name though - so many different (lovely)shortenings too - Alex, Ally, Lex, Lexie, Alexa, Sasha, Sandra, Sandy. And as a full name Alexandra is so nice and intelligent sounding.

I really like Lydia too - I imagine a Lydia being super elegant. Like Lydie too.

Quite like Alice - again could be Ally which I really like. But not a patch on Alexandra and Lydia.

PhuntSox · 04/11/2017 20:57

Not Alexandria, that's a place!

AutumnalLeaves38 · 04/11/2017 22:36


Yes, Alexandria is a place name (of many), but as the most famous were named in honour of Alexander the Great, I'd hazard a guess that baby girls were given female versions of his name from the start of his reign. So pre-dating his founding of cities.

Happy to stand corrected by any historians, though!

TidyDancer · 05/11/2017 15:59

They are all beautiful names. Alexandra is the most beautiful by far but you can’t go wrong with any of them I don’t think.

NinonDeLenclos · 05/11/2017 18:06

Alexs are always supercool.

Ionarocks · 05/11/2017 18:09

I love Lydia

MrsMcW · 06/11/2017 13:38

I'm an Alexandra and I love my name Smile I love that it's a name that translates all over the world as well - I've been to several countries where locals have beamed and said 'oh, that's an Arabic / Greek / Spanish / etc' name! All credit to Alexander the Great bonking his way across the continent thousands of years ago I guess...

Only risk is that it shortens to lots of different options. I go by Alex (downside is most people assume I'm a bloke if we haven't met in person), but I've had to shut down a few attempts at Lexi and Sandra... ugh!

starkid · 06/11/2017 15:03

They're all nice, but I like Alice the most.

mmmskittles · 06/11/2017 17:14

Love Lydia
Like Alexandra
Snore at Alice

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