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Is this acceptable?

37 replies

SqueakyChicken · 24/05/2017 08:43

Okay, I'm going to change names here but please imagine a very similar situation.

My name is Christina but almost everyone day to day calls me Tina. I absolutely love a baby girl name and nothing else really interests me. The only problem is... it's Nina.

Is this acceptable? I can't decide whether people will people think I'm mad rhyming my name with my daughter's? Or, if no one uses mother and daughter's name together so it doesn't matter? Help!

OP posts:
Nicky2468 · 24/05/2017 18:03

It's not something I would do but it's not terrible.

WankersHacksandThieves · 24/05/2017 18:03

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Starlighter · 24/05/2017 18:05

Change your name to Chris!

SqueakyChicken · 24/05/2017 21:28

Thanks everyone! I really do love the name but I take your point it will be odd. I like the suggestion of Nina as a nickname, that might work... or changing my name Grin

OP posts:
BrexitSucks · 24/05/2017 21:37

I knew a lady called Zoe with a DD called Chloe.
I wouldn't do it, but she was happy.
You really could make a much worse choice.

TuddlesAndSisses · 24/05/2017 21:47

My name almost rhymes with my mothers, people have commented on it a handful of times only and it's not a big deal. I'm not sure if more people commented when I was younger though

SuperBeagle · 24/05/2017 22:08

Nina is a lovely name, but I wouldn't do it.

It'd be like me having the name Lily and calling my child Billy/Billie. Or a man named Fred having a son named Ted. It's too samey.

29Palms · 24/05/2017 22:54

What a shame people are putting you off. It really doesn't matter.
Don't let people influence you over such a trivial matter.

buttercup54321 · 24/05/2017 22:54

It could end up driving you mad when people make silly comments. I really don't like Nina but If I was you and really wanted it then I would have it, Your baby so your choice.

DramaAlpaca · 24/05/2017 22:57

It won't matter, really it won't. My name is very similar in sound to one of my DC's and nobody has ever commented.

AberdeenAngusina · 25/05/2017 11:01

I think it will be ok. I know a couple of mother / daughter combinations with similar sounding names, not quite a rhymey as Tina and Nina, but close. It hasn't been a problem for them.

HoratioNightboy · 25/05/2017 11:50

I know sisters Sharon and Karen, but I'd known them several years before it dawned on me that they rhymed. I guess I identfied each name to the individual person rather than as a matching pair of words. Or maybe I'm just a bit thick. Grin

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