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Is April a daft name...

33 replies

likeacrow · 06/02/2017 09:48

For a child not born in April?

OP posts:
thebakerwithboobs · 06/02/2017 19:43

Nobody has ever called me Ape OP so perhaps you need a switch to January?? You're welcome GrinWink

Allthebestnamesareused · 06/02/2017 19:46

April is lovely but don't call subsequent siblings May and June 😜

GreatScot8 · 06/02/2017 20:11

The April I know was born in December, and the May I know was born in July...

I don't think it matters at all, and honestly, I think it smacks of unoriginality to name your child after the month/season in which they were born (April born in April, Summer born in summer etc).

toffeeboffin · 06/02/2017 20:12

I'd say so.

You'd just assume the kid was born in April.

thebakerwithboobs · 19/02/2017 10:03

What did you decide on OP?

ElvenMoonwings · 19/02/2017 22:29

No, because April is a beautiful month and it has a nice meaning.

xapril87x · 21/02/2017 14:05

April is a nice name, but I hated it when I was younger. I was also not born in April, and the amount of teasing I endured when I was younger was a lot. TBF it didn't help that the Teenage Mutant Turtles was around at the same time. Even now, I constantly get asked if I was born in April. I like my name now, and I like the fact that I know no-one else who has it. If you like it, then why not but your child will endure some teasing throughout school etc.

MollyHuaCha · 21/02/2017 14:06

It's a lovely name.

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