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Can you rate my list please?

35 replies

MrsBellefleur · 20/12/2016 21:34


I'm interested in knowing what people's favourites are from my list of girls names for dd2. I'm struggling to decide! Not due for another 14 weeks so plenty of time but we had dd1's name sorted by now so I'm not used to the wait and see what she looks like method!

OP posts:
Helloooooitsme · 21/12/2016 12:07

I like them all.

Bear2014 · 21/12/2016 12:05

1.Tessa - don't like it
2.Georgia - ok, prefer Georgina
3.Elizabeth - lovely. This is on my list too. Strong yet feminine, with loads of nickname potential
4.Bethan - not keen
5.Juliet - Beautiful. I know one, and a Julia, and they both love their names.
6.Florence - gorgeous, but very popular round here
7.Anna - nice but slightly boring
8.Alice - slightly boring again
9.Martha - nice and vintage, but slightly frumpy

Have you considered Eleanor? Or is that your first DD's name? I think it's the best name in the whole world, but I am biased ;o)

Jooni · 21/12/2016 11:57

In order of preference:

1.Juliet - lovely, classy, unusual.

  1. Elizabeth - ditto. A bit less unusual but still a nice change from the cutesy girl names which are popular atm, plenty of nickname options too.
  2. Anna - ditto
  3. Florence - quite popular but lovely and classic
  4. Martha - strong and vintagey
  5. Tessa - ditto
  6. Alice - OK but I find it a bit wishy-washy for some reason
  7. Georgia - not too keen, feel a bit boring and a bit dated now to me
  8. Bethan - not keen on this at all, I just find it quite a blunt sound. I quite like Betsan though for some reason - it's Welsh I believe.
17caterpillars1mouse · 21/12/2016 11:47

Bethan is by far my favourite

Loyly · 21/12/2016 11:20

Martha is my favourite.

stumblymonkey · 21/12/2016 11:18

Completely personal opinions BTW, feel free to ignore!

stumblymonkey · 21/12/2016 11:17

1.Tessa - I would be scared to use this in case she was overweight and got nicknamed 'ten tonne Tessa'
2.Georgia - like this name
3.Elizabeth - meh, a little plain for me. Also hate 'Liz', very 70s IMO
4.Bethan - I like Beth but Bethan sounds quite harsh
5.Juliet - pretty and classic
6.Florence - not a fan, I probably gravitate towards very feminine names. Also sounds a little 'Victorian chambermaid' to me
7.Anna - pretty and classic
8.Alice - not a fan, don't know why
9.Martha - I like this, underused and pretty

Sugarpiehoneyeye · 21/12/2016 10:57

Love Tessa and Anna.
Don't like Bethan or Georgia.

Idontknow123 · 21/12/2016 00:35

I like

Juliet and Elizabeth - Classic and elegant
Alice and Florence - both pretty
Martha - is okay

I don't like Tessa, Georgia, Bethan (sounds like it should be Bethany).

Anna I find boring and old fashioned

SugarPlumWinterFluff · 21/12/2016 00:28

I'd pick Alice, such a cute name. Martha is my least favourite.

buttercup54321 · 21/12/2016 00:24

I like Elizabeth best, then Martha and Alice. Bethany better than Bethan. Don't like Florence or Tessa. Julie rather than Juliet. The rest ok.

GoofyTheHero · 21/12/2016 00:23

Very very similar to my list for both DD's!

Love Juliet and Anna
Really like Alice, Elizabeth, Florence, Georgia and Tessa
Least favourites (although don't dislike) are Martha and Bethan

Pluto30 · 21/12/2016 00:19

In order of preference:

  1. Juliet - Love this. Reminds me of the song Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits (plus Shakespeare).

  1. Martha - Love this. Reminds me of the song Martha by Tom Waits.

  1. Georgia - Love this, and quite underused at the moment.

  1. Elizabeth - This is my name, and I can't fault it. Lots of nickname potential (although Liz and Lizzy are what people automatically shorten it to - I used to hate Lizzy but have grown to like it a lot over time). Everyone knows how to spell and pronounce it, but it's not overly popular.

  1. Anna - Very pretty, but I find it a bit boring compared to the names above.

  1. Alice - Sweet, but very overused at the moment.

  1. Florence - The full name is fine, but I can't stand any of the nicknames (and both Florences I know get called Flo).

  1. Tessa - Don't like. My grandparents had a spaniel named Tessa (or Tess, can't remember), so I associate it with her. Very close to "tosser" which is an insult here.

  1. Bethan - Don't like at all, and don't like Bethany either (I don't like Beth, tbh).
Sophronia · 21/12/2016 00:15

Martha is my favourite

Glitterous · 20/12/2016 23:42

Juliet or Georgia. I don't really like any of the others.

CakeRattleandRoll · 20/12/2016 23:11

My favourites are Martha and Juliet.

DramaAlpaca · 20/12/2016 23:09

My favourites are Anna, Juliet and Alice.

I also quite like Florence and Elizabeth. I prefer Tess to Tessa, but it's OK.

Least favourites are Martha and Georgia.

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 20/12/2016 23:00

Also like Juliet. The rest are just meh!

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 20/12/2016 22:59

We very nearly picked Georgia until we heard of all the Jorjas and I heard a teenager shouting it across Tesco to her friend. Then I couldn't think of a worse name Shock
I like Florence and Martha. Each to their own. A lot of people hate my choice in name!

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 20/12/2016 22:28

Order of preference, then.

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 20/12/2016 22:27

Tessa. Gorgeous
Georgia Nice name
Elizabeth. Classic sophisticated timeless.
Bethan. Not keen
Juliet. Very harsh.
Anna see Elizabeth,
Alice. See above, but personally. I don't like the name
Martha. See Juliet
Florence, see Anna Alice and Elizabeth, but. Its getting tedious now.

CalleighDoodle · 20/12/2016 22:20

call her lisle ffs typing issues


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CalleighDoodle · 20/12/2016 22:20

I like them all. I would go for Martha, or elizabeth and call hernlisle.!

NavyandWhite · 20/12/2016 22:11

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shaggedthruahedgebackwards · 20/12/2016 21:56

Great list, I don't dislike any of your names

Alice, Elizabeth & Tessa are my favourites

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