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52 replies

SausageCopter · 05/10/2016 07:06

What do people think of the name Harriet. We would probably call her Hattie day to day.

OP posts:
PageStillNotFound404 · 05/10/2016 09:59

Sugarpiehoneyeye Harriet Matilda is a gorgeous name!

Sugarpiehoneyeye · 05/10/2016 11:39

Thank you Page and Flossie 😊

NobleKnickerNibbler · 05/10/2016 12:03

I don't like it at all. One of those names that I actually can't believe has had a revival. Like Maud.

But each to their own!

Vixxfacee · 05/10/2016 12:06

Really dislike.

Lutrine · 05/10/2016 12:09

I like it, I taught in a secondary school for 11 years and only met one who was absolutely lovely.

KoalaDownUnder · 05/10/2016 16:53

Don't like it at all.

It reminds me of 'harried' and 'harridan', and I don't like the nickname Harry for a girl. Meh.

Pipilangstrumpf · 05/10/2016 17:58

I'm afraid I find it very unfeminin and harsh sounding. I like Mathilda though.

mrsclooneytoyou · 05/10/2016 18:00


cauliwobbles · 05/10/2016 18:04

Lovely name, pretty but not girly or meh. We have one. She's 17 and loves her name. Wouldn't answer to Harry until she was about 14 but that's the name she goes by now. We've only ever had compliments about her name but it's often misspelt.

GoldenWorld · 06/10/2016 09:45

Harriet hasn't really had a revival, I'm 29 and can think of 6 I know who are my age. I know Harriets in their 30s/40s down to children.

I do find it a bit plain but it's popular across all ages but not overly so which makes it a good choice I think.

BertrandRussell · 06/10/2016 10:07

Harriet has stayed steadyish at 800-1000 a year for the past 10 years.

BlueKarou · 06/10/2016 11:03

I love it. It's top of my girls list for if I have another child.

Mol1628 · 06/10/2016 11:06

I love it. My son would have been Harriet if he were a girl.

orangebird69 · 06/10/2016 11:13

Love it. But not when it's shortened to Hattie. Harri is nice.

Pipilangstrumpf · 06/10/2016 11:32

I agree - Hattie isn't nice.

Jenniferturkington · 06/10/2016 11:35

I have a Harriet, she get it shortened to 'Hatts' rather than Hattie though.

I think it means something like 'ruler of the household '- be warned!

MrsMarigold · 06/10/2016 11:48

I have a Hattie too, she is four and doesn't like to be called Harriet. The name suits her, she is very strong minded. We always joke that she'll have her own hedgefund.

EllenDegenerate · 07/10/2016 10:56

I don't like it. It doesn't sound very nice.
Predictably middle class, but it's popular enough.

Scattymere · 07/10/2016 11:04

Don't like it. Twee. Plain. Similar to Imogen which also can't stand.

CordeliaFrost · 07/10/2016 17:29

Absolutely love it, I know several, but of varying ages. The youngest is just 3, the oldest in her 80's (my friend's grandmother).

I adore Hattie as a nickname, but my favorite nickname is Hatsy, which is what one of the Harriet's I know goes by.

Not sure how anyone can see it as being plain, I think it's beautiful.

FlameGrower · 07/10/2016 17:32

It sounds really plain to me. A drab kind of name.

MooPointCowsOpinion · 07/10/2016 17:35

It's beautiful.


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ThinkPinkStink · 07/10/2016 17:39

I love it. I'd have named DD1 Harriet if I didn't have an old friend with the same name (too matchy matchy).

poppyknot · 07/10/2016 17:39

As an older H, whose Mum likes calling her Hattie, must say I've never thought of it as twee, drab or plain.. Other things maybe

Come across a few baby Harriets and seems a lovely baby name. .

GRW · 07/10/2016 18:07

I'm not keen. I know a Hattie with a sister Annie which I much prefer.

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