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41 replies

weechops · 11/08/2016 19:56

We found out this week that baby number 4 is a girl Smile already have dd, ds1 & ds2 so we're evened up a bit now!
What does everyone think of Rosalie? My only concern is that she'd get Rosie for short which I'm not too keen on, but I love Rose. We're Scottish if that helps imagining the accent 😂

OP posts:
Bigfam · 12/08/2016 08:08

Hi weechops (waves from our huge Dec 2016 baby group)

I love 💜 Rosalie. One of my favourite names (along with the 2 we are choosing between)

weechops · 12/08/2016 08:38

you know which one of your names I love too Smile

lucky I did wonder if the Twilight reference would be a turnoff, but what's not to like about a beautiful blond vampire Grin

OP posts:
adagio · 12/08/2016 23:21

Our eldest has Rosalie as a middle name. Not sure why we chose it but I still like it a lot. I say go for it 😊

ChickenMe · 12/08/2016 23:37

Always liked Rosalie and I saw a Russian version Rozalia which is lovely too.

everdene · 12/08/2016 23:56

LOVE IT. I've liked it ever since reading about Houdini, whose wife was named Rosalie, in a reading book when I was about eight.

DH has vetoed Sad

AppleJac · 13/08/2016 00:06

How is it pronounced?

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 13/08/2016 00:31


marblestatue · 13/08/2016 19:37

All the Rosalies I've met have pronounced it Roz-a-lee and were nicknamed Roz.

Alisvolatpropiis · 15/08/2016 21:11

It makes me think of Cockney rhyming slang. Rosie Lee = cup of tea.

TheFace · 16/08/2016 12:38

As a born and bred Cockney it does make me think if tea (Rosie Lee = tea) but you're in Scotland so I'm not sure that would matter to you.

I actually think it's very pretty.

jodders · 16/08/2016 18:29

I know a Scottish friend who has a Rosa And I think it sounds beautiful

weechops · 16/08/2016 20:21

I did think of the Rosie-Lee cup of tea thing but as my dh pointed out, I've never in all my years been to London and we're unlikely to ever live there Grin I guess if the baby ever lives in London then she'll just have to be able to take a joke. Should be fine after living with my mad lot taking the piss out each other constantly 😂

OP posts:
Alisvolatpropiis · 16/08/2016 21:55

I've never lived in London, only been a handful of times, it's one of those things people just seem to know.

AuntJane · 17/08/2016 22:33

I know a Rosalie who has reached her 80s without having her name shortened.

SanityClause · 17/08/2016 22:35

Very pretty!

Disappearingchocolates · 18/08/2016 08:23

I first heard the name on Twilight and I absolutely love it. Very feminine and Rose or Ro would be a lovely nickname.

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