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Matching mother and son name?!

48 replies

hellowembley · 31/07/2016 18:28

My name is Cat. Can I call my son Kit or is that completely riduculous?

OP posts:
SnoopDoggyDogg · 31/07/2016 19:35

Do it! My friend's and her daughter's names rhyme, like Annie and Danni and no one says anything.

mikado1 · 31/07/2016 19:37

I know a Jill and Jack! Do it. You love the name, you're not doing it because of your name iykwim.

scrivette · 31/07/2016 19:40

I know a mother and son Christine and Christopher, mother and daughter Catherine and Kate and a couple Steve and Steve. I say go for it!

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 31/07/2016 19:47

I would say, if you want Kit, use Kit - I loved it, as a shortening for Christopher (which is a family name on dh's side, so one we wanted to use anyway) - and definitely preferred it to Chris. So we named ds1 Christopher, intending him to be shortened to Kit - and it just never happened - it never felt right for him, and his friends all shortened him to Chris anyway!

I would use it - it is a lovely name.

candykane25 · 31/07/2016 19:51

It's not the worse I've heard. They are different names. I think names like Emma and Emily in the same family or brothers Herbert and Albert (both shortened to Bert by friends) is worse.
So go for it. I love Kit.

hellowembley · 31/07/2016 21:43

Ok thanks everyone. Some food for thought here

OP posts:
CordeliaFrost · 31/07/2016 21:59

I have an Ash- name (no it's not Ashley), and we're considering Asher for a boy, for our third child (due November).

We've been told 'no don't do it', but we love the name too much, to not use it. I don't get called Ash, everyone calls me another short form, from the second part of my name.

CordeliaFrost · 31/07/2016 22:00

Correction: We love the name too much to not consider using it, no final decisions yet, either way.

MadisonAvenue · 05/08/2016 00:59

Do it! Kit is a gorgeous name and it's a shame not to use it if you love it!
My son's first name is the same as the shortened form of my name, which everyone except my sister in law calls me. I really didn't want him to have the same name as me but after two weeks of trying various other names it was the only one which suited him so we went with it. 16 years on I have no regrets, it still suits him perfectly.

sycamore54321 · 05/08/2016 12:11

I know an Olive with a baby son Oliver. It works for them but yes, honestly I thought it a bit funny when I first heard. But I'm not a big fan of father and son sharing the same first name, let alone across genders. I think people deserve their own individual identity.

In your case, as they are each nicknames, I would probably be less concerned but if that is how you would introduce ourself and your child, using both shortenings, then yes, it does sound like a joke.

PotteringAlong · 05/08/2016 12:14

Your name will not become irrelevant when you're kit Cat

unicornthong · 09/08/2016 07:07

You'd be Cat and Kit, and it's not like you're naming twins! I like it, so I say go for it.

TeaMeBasil · 09/08/2016 07:17

Do it, I have a cat called kit & she wears it well!

DollyBarton · 09/08/2016 07:18

I don't think many would notice, not in the same way as siblings. So go for it!

ophiotaurus · 09/08/2016 07:29

It would be different if it were siblings but I don't think I've found myself in a situation where somebody called both mine and my sons names at the same time.
If you love the name I would go for it!

YourNewspaperIsShit · 10/08/2016 00:37

My DF is Antony and Dsis Antonia. Except he gets Tony and she doesn't.

I liked the name Raven but I'm Robin so that was a nono Grin

Kit's a lovely name, I hate that it's short for Chris (ex's name) or else I'd use it myself

heron98 · 10/08/2016 15:31

I think it's fine. After all, it's traditional for father and son to have the same name so this is far better!

parisgellar · 10/08/2016 15:32

You are my kind of person!

villainousbroodmare · 13/08/2016 22:11

You're not from St Ives by any chance? Grin

HouseworkIsASin10 · 14/08/2016 15:50

I have never heard that Kit is short for Christopher, I thought it was a stand alone name. They are totally different sounding names, so if you like Kit pick Kit, if you like Christopher pick Christopher Confused

BigGreenOlives · 14/08/2016 15:53

I know a Louise with a Louis & an Oliver with an Olivia. Each time I was initially surprised but then I've thought nothing of it - family names perhaps.

ExtraHotLatteToGo · 14/08/2016 17:16

Rhyming aside its a chocolate bar, you just can't 😁

Lots of other lovely names to choose from 😊

snickers, Mars, bounty


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nooka · 15/08/2016 08:46

Kit is one of Christopher's traditional diminutives. I like Kit, but its very short, I'd much rather be called Christopher and have some other options.

Oh and sorry but I think if you are called Cat then Kit is off limits for your child. Cat and Kit sounds awfully twee to me.

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