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How would you pronounce Emer?

87 replies

D0ni · 19/07/2016 08:33

How would you pronounce the Irish name Emer?

Just wondering if it would be mis pronounced a lot from the spelling?

OP posts:
spanky2 · 22/07/2016 14:08

Ee-mer. Is it Irish origin?

DerelictMyBalls · 22/07/2016 14:07

To rhyme with schemer, but with a rollier 'R' sound on the end.

As in Cuchulain and Emer.

(Not Irish, but I read a lot)

treaclesoda · 22/07/2016 07:25

I couldn't understand people not being able to pronounce it because it seemed obvious (tying in with the pronunciation of words like 'scheme') but when someone further up pointed out that 'emerald' has the same Spelling', suddenly it made sense.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 22/07/2016 06:05

Going by the answers a lots of people didn't realise it was a bobefide Irish name they thought it was odd spelling of Emma

Pemba · 22/07/2016 06:00

I knew it was ee-mer, not 'emma' (why would anyone think that?) No Irish connections at all.

Ward3new · 22/07/2016 05:50

(American here)

Peanut14 · 19/07/2016 23:42

Sqoosh, that made me laugh but yes perfect way to show how to pronounce Emer.

I like it spelt Eimear.

There is NO fada over the E, that would make an A sound.

canary1 · 19/07/2016 23:21

Know a few Irish Emer s. It's definitely eeee- mer. Eee rhymes with See.

JulesJules · 19/07/2016 23:20

It's Ee mer

Wordsaremything · 19/07/2016 23:17

Emm-Urr. As in Ambridge.

villainousbroodmare · 19/07/2016 20:36

I called my cat Emer. My mother was annoyed. "A lovely name, wasted!" she said. I think I might actually have to take it back from the cat if I ever have a little girl.

Izzyathome · 19/07/2016 17:13

I know two Emers - both from n. Ireland and both pronounced ee-mur. (Not like Emma at all.) Neither of them seemed to have any problems with it being mispronounced. I think it's a great name.

disappoint15 · 19/07/2016 16:06

Yes, Emerald and Emerson are much better examples of how I would have pronounced Emer than emergency because they are stressed on the first syllable whereas emergency is stressed on the second.

And since I have a non-rhotic accent the 'Emer' in 'emerald' is pronounced exactly the same as Emma.

yaaasqueen · 19/07/2016 15:58

I know a teenaged Emer pronounced EeMah

iCloud · 19/07/2016 15:57

I would say Emma, or Emm-err

Groovee · 19/07/2016 14:47

My colleague pronounces her name Eemur. She's Irish.

SoggyBeachDays · 19/07/2016 14:41

Ha - autocorrect. Ee-mur!

SoggyBeachDays · 19/07/2016 14:41

Ed-mur. Stress on the first syllable. I'm Scottish.

Dandelionsmakeyouwee · 19/07/2016 14:16

This reminds me of my daughters name - Mila. Everybody says MY-la except it's ME-la.

I try not to correct people at this stage as she's young and when she's older she can tell people how it's pronounced anyway but it is annoying.

orangebird69 · 19/07/2016 14:11

Ee-mer. Surely if is was Emma it would be spelled Emmer?

AdultingIsNotWhatIExpected · 19/07/2016 14:09

I would wonder if it was pronounced like Eimer (ee-mer) but with the i missed out for some reason
or "em-mer" if it's not trying to be Eimer without the i?

CmereTilliTellYa · 19/07/2016 14:04

Emer is a girls name, never a boys Spiders


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SpidersFromMars · 19/07/2016 13:51

I think I'd initially say Emer (Em-muh) because I know a few Emerson's pronounced that way (and I guess Emerson's are "Emer's sons"... like Johnson's)

Ee-mer is definitely simple to correct to, though. You'd only have to tell me once.

Is Emer a boy or a girl? Or could it be used for both/either?

youngestisapsycho · 19/07/2016 12:07

I'm thinking Emma sound as in Emerald... you don't say Ee-merald.

Floggingmolly · 19/07/2016 12:03

Ah, sorry Blush

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