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28 replies

hardtochoose · 13/05/2016 09:26

I'm due with our first baby in a few days and we're still undecided on names. We both really like more traditional/classic names, but everything we like is really popular, and we'd prefer to have a name that's a bit less well-used. We were trying to find a name that isn't too out-there. Solid but slightly unusual is what we're aiming for!

What do people think of Griff? He'd likely be Griffin but known as Griff (with the option for Finn I suppose if he wanted). I like Griffin less, but I do want to have options for shortening/lengthening. My family are Welsh so we like the Welsh connection, but I'm not sure whether it's too random?

OP posts:
GreenBeans17 · 18/05/2016 23:12

I like Griffin! It's super cool... I'd never be brave enough

I think I prefer the NN Finn, but both are nice Smile

WreckingBallsInsideMyHead · 17/05/2016 13:59

Lovely name!

Red237 · 17/05/2016 13:29

I like Griff, we have a Griff in my school and he's pretty cool as year 1 kids go

ErrantApostrophe · 17/05/2016 12:12

My toddler DS is Griffin, often shortened to Griff! DH is Welsh but we live in England. He wanted a name that was Welsh but easy to spell and pronounce where we live. I was in two minds about the name for a while, for all the reasons you say OP, but we went with as as my DH loved it. I have to say, I haven't regretted it! Many of my friends and family absolutely love it, and those who don't share the enthusiasm for it have at least been polite (why don't you try it, Pam?!). A surprising number of people know it's Welsh and have heard of it before (I wasn't necessarily expecting that outside of Wales) and most people who haven't heard of it before are complimentary about it. So I don't think it is an 'out there' name at all.

True, it's a name that a lot of people wouldn't use, but then that's one of the reasons you're interested in it, right? I really don't think it's weird or embarrassing, it's just not to everyone's taste - which is the same with many names.

Plus, in our case it suits DS perfectly Smile. As with any name, you need to try it on your baby once he's here. Good luck!

leoniethelioness · 15/05/2016 08:03

I know a few adult and child Gruffs (mostly short for Gruffudd but some just Gruff). It's a completely normal and acceptable name!

Strokethefurrywall · 15/05/2016 02:48

Griff is an AWESOME name! Use it, great name!

paperdreams16 · 15/05/2016 02:37

I really like it although I think it takes a certain kind of man to fill it, IYSWM. Fine for a child but I would imagine an older Griff to be really solid, strong and confident. Might be difficult for him to 'wear' his name if he doesn't turn out that like that.

Of course that's just my opinion, others may imagine Griff to look entirely different! It's a great name Grin

hardtochoose · 14/05/2016 18:49

Hmm, mostly positive I think (except for Pam... wow, don't hold back Grin)

We've started trying out referring to the baby as Griff when we remember to see if it sticks. It's so interesting that names are so subjective- this is about the only one that DH and I have both agreed on, and I'm still not 100% sure. I don't want to lumber the baby with a really random name that raises eyebrows every time he introduces himself!

OP posts:
pieceofpurplesky · 14/05/2016 18:05

It's lovely and Griffin can be Griff or Fin - so if he doesn't like it when he is older he has a cool alternative

CakeRattleandRoll · 14/05/2016 17:06

I really like it. Would use Griffin/Griffith on bc and Griff for everyday.

Alisvolatpropiis · 14/05/2016 16:02

It's nice. I know a baby Griff.

Pam be a dear and fuck off.

guineapig1 · 14/05/2016 15:36

Gruffydd and the shortening Gruff is quite popular in Wales. I know of at least 6 under 10s which includes 2 under 2s.

5BlueHydrangea · 14/05/2016 15:13

Pam that is nasty.
Do you know the saying "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?"...

JingsAndCrivens · 14/05/2016 15:12

R u a wanker?

Yes, it would appear that you are.

NoSpamPam · 14/05/2016 15:10

What an utterly ugly name. R u taking the piss? Did you not want this child?

BaskingTrout · 14/05/2016 15:01

a good friend's little boy is Gruffydd, which I really like. we are in wales though, and it doesn't feel like a very unusual name

nectarini1983 · 14/05/2016 13:59


LentilAsAnything · 13/05/2016 21:50

I really love it. I'd choose Griffin though, so he has options - Griffin, Griff, Fin. Go for it!

hardtochoose · 13/05/2016 12:03

haha squoosh Smile

winterbiscuit I hadn't thought of the billy goats gruff, but I suppose so!

OP posts:
plimsolls · 13/05/2016 11:44

I love it.

squoosh · 13/05/2016 11:07

I like it. Very manly. I'd imagine a Griff having hands like slabs of rock.

Winterbiscuit · 13/05/2016 10:42

It reminds me of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.


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hardtochoose · 13/05/2016 10:03

Goldilocks I have no idea what that is! Smile

OP posts:
DramaAlpaca · 13/05/2016 10:02

I like it. As you say OP it's solid but slightly unusual. A good name.

hardtochoose · 13/05/2016 10:01

Oops, name change fail! Ah well! Smile

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