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Name list narrowed down opinions please ?

14 replies

Summ3r · 26/03/2016 10:55

We don't know what we are having so we need ur help on a boy and girls name. We already have a Nathan and Abbie. So boy names we can't pick between are
Oscar james
Marcus James
and girl names are
Isabella June,
Lola June
Pippa June (dh not sure of this one tho I love it coz his name is Philip)
Which is ur favourite?

OP posts:
Pleasemrstweedie · 26/03/2016 19:19

Another vote for Marcus and Isabella.

TeamFinn · 26/03/2016 19:17

I love Marcus and Isabella.

Summ3r · 26/03/2016 19:15

Not bothered about popular names tho the ones listed here arnt popular where I am in NI apart from Isabella

OP posts:
Sometimesithinkimbonkers · 26/03/2016 18:41

Lola and Oscar!

IoraRua · 26/03/2016 17:35

Isabella and Marcus.
Oscar is way too popular, Lola is a showgirl/trans girl/small fluffy dog, Pippa I just don't like as it feels unfinished as a name.

kaymondo · 26/03/2016 17:19

How bothered are you about popularity? You can't walk ten paces around these parts without bumping into an Oscar (4 in my DS's class alone!). For that reason I would vote Marcus for a boy.

Isabella always feels a bit frilly to me, prefer Isabel. Not keen on Lola. Like Pippa (mainly because I know a lovely one!)

NadiaWadia · 26/03/2016 16:10
NadiaWadia · 26/03/2016 16:07

Although it's cute, I presume you have seen older threads which explain how Pippa apparently has rude meanings in lots of other European languages?

Isabella is beautiful and Lola is nice too (although both very popular, and with Lola there is the 'she was a showgirl' thing).

Marcus is nice, and a bit more unusual than Oscar at the moment.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 26/03/2016 14:32

Oscar James
Isabella June

Summ3r · 26/03/2016 14:30

I prefer Oscar and dh prefers Marcus lol really struggling with the girl names more think hubby prefers Lola where as I keep changing my mind lol today it's pippa

OP posts:
manicinsomniac · 26/03/2016 11:34

Oscar and Isabella

Sophronia · 26/03/2016 11:12

Marcus and Pippa, but I prefer Pippa short for Philippa

Afreshstartplease · 26/03/2016 10:57

Oscar and Lola

neonrainbow · 26/03/2016 10:56

Isabella and marcus.

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