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31 replies

applesvpears · 04/03/2016 21:43

The name we loved we can't have because after saying it out loud numerous times it sounds like something else!

No name is really got me thinking 'yes I love it!!!' Surely I should feel that way ?

Anyway here are some that I like, what do you think?


I am worried I have not had that stand out name moment and I get put off so easily. Help!!!

OP posts:
Theresomethingaboutdairy · 09/03/2016 17:41

I have an Isabella who goes by Bella. We love it, she loves it and everyone is positive about it. Beautiful name, her middle name Is Florence. Good luck op.

applesvpears · 09/03/2016 17:32

My mum told me yesterday that my little brother was going to be called Rosanna if he was a girl. Sweet Smile

OP posts:
littlejeopardy · 09/03/2016 17:16

Not much help but I love all the names on your shortlist. I think Rosanna is especially beautiful and I think it hits the balance of being rare but not weird!

applesvpears · 09/03/2016 16:38

My top ones ( I think) are:

Isabella (Bella for short)

I think my other half will have Rosanna and Ava is his top 3 possibly.

I am being induced on Tuesday so not long now Smile

OP posts:
ddeemummy · 09/03/2016 16:33

Ava and Amelia far too popular for my liking. Id go with Scarlett purely as its my dds name :)

applesvpears · 09/03/2016 15:55

Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your input!! We are still undecided but have suggested we both pick two of our favourites from the list and then decide when she is born. If we both pick one the same that might be a sign. Although I confess I change my mind every five minutes BlushI would like a middle name too, but think it should be something meaningful rather than any old name (just my view, completely get not everyone feels this way) maybe mum and MIL perhaps.

OP posts:
joyfulworld · 07/03/2016 08:25

Madison is lovely.
Ava too is beautiful.

Out2pasture · 07/03/2016 02:53

how would you pronounce Ava?

dontpokethebear · 07/03/2016 02:15

I have an Annabelle. I was fairly convinced we would shorten it to Annie, but the full name has stuck for now (although she is quite often called Abble as ds2 can't say Annabelle Grin).
Victoria is lovely, but I don't like any of its diminutives.

KatieT12 · 07/03/2016 01:41

Rosanna is lovely!!! Your name choices are amazing! Grin the NN Rosie is lush

KatieT12 · 07/03/2016 01:39

I adore all those names! Madison is lovely and the nickname Maddie/Maddy is adorable! Scarlett is a name I am really starting to love and Victoria has always had a place in my heart - I like 'Vicky' for an adult and 'Tori' for a little girl - Tori means bird! Amelia is pretty too and the NN Millie/Milly is sooo nice... Ava is my least favourite, but still nice! Annabelle is super pretty and I like Belle as a NN! I hope I haven't missed any out Grin

I think Scarlett might be my favourite? But it's such a close call, I wouldn't like to say!

whatdoIget · 07/03/2016 00:40

I love Vita as a shortening of Victoria

Linnet · 07/03/2016 00:37

I really like Scarlett or Victoria

torthecatlady · 07/03/2016 00:26

Victoria is good Grin
My parents called me Vicky and Vix for a number of years. Victoria when I was in trouble.
We knew a victor and I insisted on being called "Vic the girl" up until the age of 6/7!!
As a teen friends called me Torie, Torah, or Tor and now I go by Tor or Victoria.
My husband calls me Victoria or Tor, never Vicky.
My dad still calls me Vix though!
It was common when I was growing up (I'm 25) but virtually unheard of now.

LaceyLee · 05/03/2016 09:05

Definitely Victoria! The others are all far too 'of the moment' and now sound overdone but Victoria is lovely 😊

CormoranStrike · 05/03/2016 09:03


julfin · 05/03/2016 04:13

I love Rosanna. And its nicknames are flexible - she can be Rosie, Rose, Anna or Zanna depending on what suits her best.

Victoria is an excellent name imo. I think Ria is the prettiest of the nicknames. And it's absolutely possible to avoid Vicky if you want - I know Victorias who are never anything but Victoria (although personally I'd be tempted by Ria).

For me Madison is a boys' name (sorry) but fine if shortened to Maddie which is feminine and nice.

Of the other names you've mentioned, Isabella is my favourite. There are lots of them at the mo, especially shortened to Izzy, but Bella is more unusual I think, and much prettier imo.

Sophronia · 05/03/2016 01:27

You could shorten Victoria to Tori, Toria, Ria, Vita etc if you don't like Vicky.

mrsschu · 05/03/2016 01:11

Ava is my favourite from your list. Victoria is fine but I'd be wary of it if you don't like Vicky. I like Emilia but not Amelia (that probably doesn't make much sense!). Also adore Rosanna but not keen on the rest of your names.

Thelastusername · 04/03/2016 23:39

It's also mine! I'm not very imaginative, picking names for my baby girl was like pulling teeth in the end!

applesvpears · 04/03/2016 23:36

Elizabeth is my middle name funnily enough !

OP posts:
Thelastusername · 04/03/2016 23:35

I also love the name Victoria but hate all of its shortened forms, and it will inevitably be shortened.

Madison is nice, and Maddie a lovely shortening.

Ava is also lovely but wildly popular.

I think we have similar name tastes OP. I chose Elizabeth for my daughter- great if you want a classic, classless name with a multitude of shortenings.


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applesvpears · 04/03/2016 23:32

I like Isabella actually (thank you OP) . Bella for short maybe?
Or OH has suggested Rosanna?

OP posts:
applesvpears · 04/03/2016 23:27

I like Victoria quite a lot. But hate Vicky, which she will likely be called later in life even if we never call her it.

OP posts:
Sophronia · 04/03/2016 23:25

Victoria is my favourite, it's feminine, classic and very underused nowadays.

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