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Names my DP thinks are acceptable

47 replies

Fifi10 · 04/03/2016 11:34

My DP seems to like porn star nicknames instead of real names for a baby boy such as:


Surely he needs to be stopped?

OP posts:
Fifi10 · 04/03/2016 14:50

Oh no he's not American, has no link to America and has never been there. Managed to veto Arnie and Sylvester.

I think he's just really excited at the idea of having a little partner in crime. Don't get me started on the fact that he has already bought the dinosaur cozy coupe so they can go for a spin round the park together (says 18mo plus on the box!!)

I suggested things like George. There has been a first born George in every generation of my family since the year dot, but he won't do it as it's obviously also my eldest brother's name and he's not in one of the awful films

OP posts:
autumnmoon · 04/03/2016 15:46

I like the names Ronnie and Kurt! But not the others...

buddy79 · 04/03/2016 22:42

Maverick!!! Ha ha. Curtis is nice. I don't mind Ronnie. I get the partner in crime thing ... Clinton is maybe OK? Dennis?
I was very keen on Elery and Halloran when pregnant 😬

emilybrontescorset · 04/03/2016 22:43

Kirt is ok
Rick ok but people will assume it is short for something else.

As for the others , oh dear.

emilybrontescorset · 04/03/2016 22:43

Kurt even.

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 04/03/2016 23:01

I know a Maverick. He is.

julfin · 05/03/2016 04:34

This thread has made me chuckle.

I think Curtis, Charles, Richard etc is the only vaguely acceptable thing that can be done with your DH's list other than give it a stiff ignoring.

In answer to your question, Yes he needs to be stopped.

TitsDown · 05/03/2016 04:40

With that inspired collection, I'm surprised Jean-Claude hasn't made the list...

Shemozzle · 05/03/2016 16:01

I actually love Buck and Kurt.

EmmaWoodlouse · 05/03/2016 19:18

Rick/Ricky could also be short for Patrick...

Missingcaffeine · 05/03/2016 19:48

My partner wanted Sylvester, Arnie, Bruce, Jason, etc etc.....
I just think he wanted a 'hard man' name.
I categorically said no and let my family loose on him too so they could all tell him no as well!
Actually I grew to like the idea of Arnie and even Sylvester after months of being worn down, but I stood my ground and we went with a name that isn't the lead actor of any movie I know of with a high body count.
Off your list, I like Kurt the best, but it's important you like your childs name too and that you don't let your partner have the final say.

Shemozzle · 05/03/2016 22:23

missing mine suggested Sylvester this week and I love it! Sully as a nickname perhaps. Totally knocked off my original number 1 on the shortlist.

Qwebec · 06/03/2016 01:46

You could find a list of actors that do the styleof movieshe likes, maybe you would find on you like
action actors

IdaJones · 06/03/2016 08:59

There was a little boy called Tate at my dd's nursery. I thought it was sweet and it's in the same style your dh likes.

I think he's just really excited at the idea of having a little partner in crime. Don't get me started on the fact that he has already bought the dinosaur cozy coupe so they can go for a spin round the park together (says 18mo plus on the box!!)

He sounds like he'll be a very loving and involved dad. Smile

cheesylover · 06/03/2016 11:21

This thread made me laugh! I'm 38+2 with our second and DH is just like this - 80s action movie obsessed and very keen on Arnie, Buzz, Tex, Duke, Chuck, Ronnie... and then at the other end of the spectrum Ulysses, Hercules, Goliath. I have no suggestions - we are at total stalemate as he won't back down. Good luck OP!

Peyia · 06/03/2016 21:10

Your partner is so excited, it's lovely.

Kurt is that one watt bulb off corrie so I wouldn't go there! Curtis was a good suggestion.

After you've given birth I'd introduce him to your partner as George. George is beautiful and I like your family's tradition.

Keep us posted

Fifi10 · 07/03/2016 14:30

Thanks for the feedback.

He sounds like he'll be a very loving and involved dad
This is why I can't be bothered arguing about it just yet I just hope that once he gets over being mega-excited that he will consider what it is like to be called Buck etc. for the rest of your adult life/ applying for jobs/ introducing yourself to new people. That said, I wouldn't change DP so I guess this is just part of who he is, naff names and all!

Cheesylover The sad thing is I quite like Ulysses, perhaps we are both slightly bonkers when it comes to heroic/manly names. We've both sniggered at the idea of giving birth to a Rambo lookalike baby

OP posts:
cheesylover · 07/03/2016 21:13

Fifi DS1 was called Hercules Robocop in utero... I really think DH would have at least hung on to the middle name given half a chance!

Olbersparadox · 08/03/2016 07:06

Those names would suit americans as mentioned above.
Please say no. Chuck Norris!!! No no no!

BarefootAcrossHotLegoPieces · 08/03/2016 07:12

How about John, as in John McClane?

James, as in James Bond?

Jason, as in Jason Bourne?

Illiria · 13/03/2016 03:47

Sorry OP when I hear Buck all I can think is the guy from Kill Bill Confused

Are there any names from the film genres he likes that you like?

caker · 13/03/2016 05:28

I knew an American guy called Buck, it was "short" for something completely unconnected, as he was the 4th in his family with that name so needed to be called something different to distinguish from previous generations. .


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