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How to pronounce Noel?

24 replies

HoneyLeaf · 19/11/2015 19:18

So, I'm wondering how you spell Noel (for a boy) for it to sound like No-el - 2 syllables! Would it need to be spelt Noël? I'm thinking of it for a middle name, but only if I get it correct Grin

OP posts:
ktmummy1 · 20/11/2015 22:00

Noel as in Cole and Noel Edmunds . No way is it No-El, sounds far too Christmas songy "the first noelle" yuk, noel as in Cole MUCH better!!!!

AuntGertrude · 20/11/2015 18:21

Pronounced "No-ull" if Noel for a boy - emphasis on the No, and a short "ul".

Noel for a girl, would be better as Noelle - pronounced "no-ell" like "The First Nowell"

twinjocks · 20/11/2015 16:04

^I would pronounce Noel as one-and-a-half syllables - not rhyming with foal or coal but more like Noh-ul with the emphasis on the Noh and the ul very short - this is how I have understood Noel Coward to be correctly pronounced.

Pronouncing it as two fully distinct syllables would be spelled Noelle and would be a girls name to me.^

I agree about the one and a half syllables - although would say "No-wul" like a PP than Noh-ul.

tammytoby · 20/11/2015 15:00

I'd pronounce Noel as No-el. But adding the dots on the e makes it clear to everyone.

FishWithABicycle · 20/11/2015 03:08

I would pronounce Noel as one-and-a-half syllables - not rhyming with foal or coal but more like Noh-ul with the emphasis on the Noh and the ul very short - this is how I have understood Noel Coward to be correctly pronounced.

Pronouncing it as two fully distinct syllables would be spelled Noelle and would be a girls name to me.

ilovevenice · 20/11/2015 01:51

Like Joel (if that is any help!)

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 20/11/2015 01:36

Sorry that should be No-wul.
Not Nowul

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 20/11/2015 01:33

Why are you considering it. Fab name if he's around Christmas

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 20/11/2015 01:33

Nowul. But gentle emphasis on the u.

timelytess · 19/11/2015 21:42

Nole. No-ul without a pause.

LibrariesGaveUsP0wer · 19/11/2015 21:41

Noel - for a boy. Sort of No-ul.

Noel (with a thingy) or Noelle- for a girl. No-elle. As in "the first...."

AnnaMarlowe · 19/11/2015 21:36

Isn't the now-ell pronunciation the girls version?

Shinyshoes2 · 19/11/2015 21:35

Pron like mole , foal , goal , hole

Lolimax · 19/11/2015 21:33

I'd say it as 2 syllables but I'm Welsh.

JakeyBurd · 19/11/2015 21:27

I pronounce it as as two syllables - the boy's name as NO-ill, but the Xmas word as No-ELL.

I've never heard it pronounced as one syllable.

smartyclogs · 19/11/2015 21:10

Like 'pole, bowl, foal' ... you get the idea!

rainydaygrey · 19/11/2015 21:10

I'd say Noal like Foal.

The angel said Noël.

IMurderedStampyLongnose · 19/11/2015 21:06

Pronounced noal,like foal here in NI,if spelt Noel.

florascotianew · 19/11/2015 21:05

No-ell or No-ull, as in Noel Coward

It's a French word (meaning Christmas, as we all know), and the French pronounciation is here:

Allthatnonsense · 19/11/2015 20:54

No-el sounds like Noel pronounced with a welsh accent!

TiggyD · 19/11/2015 19:31

Like a single Nick Knowles. To rhyme with goal.

HoneyLeaf · 19/11/2015 19:23

Yeah, I think it would have to be Noël... Hm, not sure I like it like that!

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IoraRua · 19/11/2015 19:22

I pronounce Noel to rhyme with mole. No-el sounds like a female version - but then I know two Noelles so that might be why.

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 19/11/2015 19:20

I think you need the weird thingy Grin. I'd pronounce Noel as one syllable.

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