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5 replies

betty06 · 22/06/2015 21:33

I have a son named lucas and daughter named Kacey already, my husband and I are discussing names for baby number 3 we both like daisy for a girl but I'm unsure if it goes with my daughters name Kacey and daisy??? What are your ideas thank you

OP posts:
00100001 · 22/06/2015 22:26

Daisy doesn't 'go' with kacey and Lucas.

You want a "c" name to go with them like Alice or Carly or Cara

manicinsomniac · 22/06/2015 21:44

Yeah, I think they sound too similar really.

However, if you really love Daisy, I'd go for it anyway. They will only be 'Kacey and Daisy' for a short part of their lives then they won't be referred to together any more.

betty06 · 22/06/2015 21:37

Thanks this is what I thought my husband did not understand what I ment thanks again I'm not crazy haha

OP posts:
dementedma · 22/06/2015 21:36

Think Kacey and Daisy are too similar.

2boys2girls · 22/06/2015 21:35

I agree I don't think it really goes

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