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Aidan or Lucas

47 replies

RumAppleGinger · 29/07/2014 22:49

2 due soon, we've narrowed it down to two names, Aidan and Lucas. We like both equally and can't decide between the two. DS1 is Archie. What would you go for?

Also can't decide if I prefer the spelling Aidan or Aiden!

OP posts:
MysteriousCircusZebra · 01/08/2014 23:48


ZenNudist · 01/08/2014 23:47

Love both, prefer Aidan, Lucas better with Archie to avoid double A alliteration.

Itsfab · 01/08/2014 22:22

I did read your OP and the fact that you would discount a name on the basis of a neighbour's child's name made me think it was your favourite and hence you using the second choice.

RumAppleGinger · 01/08/2014 21:59

itsfab did you actually read my OP? It would not be a second choice. We like both names the same they are our two favourites. We can't decide between them. Hence why I came on the internet to ask a bunch of strangers.

OP posts:
summerberries · 01/08/2014 20:57

Definitely Lucas. Not keen on Aidan.

NeverTalksToStrangers · 01/08/2014 20:48

I have an Aiden/Aidan but we spelled it Aden as for some reason the i just wasn't appealling to me. No idea why.

If you do go for Aidan/Aiden, make sure you give him a different initialled second name to DS1 for post reasons.

Itsfab · 01/08/2014 20:41

You can't seriously name your child a second choice on the basis of your neighbour's child!

RumAppleGinger · 01/08/2014 20:37

Quick update. We moved house today, our new neighbours have a little boy (who is already DS1's best friend apparently) called Luke. This might swing it slightly more towards Aidan for us. Thanks again for all your opinions.

OP posts:
squoosh · 31/07/2014 11:11

Aidan should always be spelt with a second 'a'. Aiden is wrong.

Hooliesmoolies · 31/07/2014 11:04

I like both. Definitely wait and see. We changed our minds when our first was born.

BalloonSlayer · 31/07/2014 09:55

Grin at Mr Lucas from Adrian Mole. I always think of Mr Lucas the insufferable wit/letch from Are You Being Served!

I prefer Aidan. Although I see it as very Irish so I would be a bit Hmm if you had no Irish connection.

RumAppleGinger · 31/07/2014 09:43

Thanks all, just tallied up and still pretty evenly split. Maybe we'll just wait and see which feels right once he arrives.

OP posts:
Embolio · 30/07/2014 21:34

I have an Aidan so obviously gets my vote, but I like Lucas too. Both sound nice with Archie.

Leeds2 · 30/07/2014 21:31

I don't like either! I particularly don't like Lucas. But, I would prefer same sex siblings to have different initials so, in your position, I would choose Lucas.

sandberry · 30/07/2014 20:03

Aidan but both are fine (definitely Aidan with an a)

Montsti · 30/07/2014 19:36


Itsfab · 30/07/2014 19:34


If Aiden, with an e I think.

TheFillyjonk · 30/07/2014 19:27

Yeah it is, flipchart. I cocked up and actually meant Aiden. I typed Adrian because I was thinking about Mr Lucas from Adrian Mole!

anastasiakrupnik · 30/07/2014 19:26

Lucas, else they'll both be Mr A Surname and it makes the post confusing.

flipchart · 30/07/2014 19:24

thefilly Adrian is a different name to Aidan. Confused isn't it?

Blueberrybaby · 30/07/2014 19:19

Lucas is much nicer in my opinion.

TheFillyjonk · 30/07/2014 19:18

Oops - I prefer the spelling Aiden


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TheFillyjonk · 30/07/2014 19:17

Aidan, though I also prefer the spelling Adrian.

Lucas makes me think of locusts and now mucus as well as Mr Lucas from Adrian Mole.

hlc123 · 30/07/2014 19:16

Aiden is lovely

SummerScoop · 30/07/2014 19:14

Another Aidan vote here, Archie and Aidan are lovely together.

I secretly prefer the spelling Aiden though.

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