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Opinions on Jemima pls

35 replies

lloydlf76 · 28/06/2014 19:20

I'm currently pregnant with my fifth child no idea if it's a boy or a girl but as DH is an absolute pest when it comes to names I need to start planning now. I love Jemima but DH says no whilst coming up with no suggestions of his own sigh.

Other names I like but he dislikes are


Totally outing myself I currently have

E l I j a h
I m o g e n
M e r e d I t h
H e r m I o n e

I think Jemima goes really well with them. What do you say MNers?

OP posts:
beccajoh · 30/06/2014 11:28

I wanted Jemima for DD but DH said no Hmm

turningvioletviolet · 30/06/2014 12:13

I have an 8 yr old Jemima (and also a dd with one of the other names on your list). I still love the name - it's not too fussy or girly, not common (no one else called it in her school) but not so unusual that people are flummoxed by it.. Only problem is the propensity of people to spell it with G - drives me insane, have they never read Jemima Puddleduck? Heathens.

lloydlf76 · 30/06/2014 13:32

Thank you again. I know my tastes aren't for everyone but I love all my children's names and need to find a name for this little one that I love too and at the moment Jemima is fitting the bill for me. I will definitely be working on DH lol

OP posts:
stripedtortoise · 30/06/2014 13:36

I like it but if your DH says no, you have to take it off the list. From your list I like Harriet the best, the others are a bit flouncy for my taste.

softlysoftly · 30/06/2014 13:42

We had DD3 yesterday and trying to choose between Jemima or Annabell so big yes from me.

oddly your current children's names other than hermione were all on our shortlist!

Turning does your DD end up with any nicknames?

Cardinal · 30/06/2014 13:44

It's my cats name! I really like it. It's only the cats name because I wasn't having anymore DC.

lloydlf76 · 30/06/2014 14:38

stripedtortoise DH said ' over my dead body!' to Hermione for our last child and look how that turned out lol Definitely not over yet!

OP posts:
lloydlf76 · 30/06/2014 14:39

softly Congratulations! You obviously have great taste in names :-)

OP posts:
CruCru · 30/06/2014 15:49

Jemima is a lovely name. It's a bit off-road but do you like Miriam?

turningvioletviolet · 30/06/2014 16:05

Softly - congratulations!
She gets called all sorts tbh. Mimes, Mima, Jimmy Jams, Mimi. Nothing that sticks though. Call your new DD Jemima - go on!! Annabel is a bit twee for my liking (none of my business I know).

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