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Would this be absolutely ridiculous as a middle name?

34 replies

CheerfulYank · 26/06/2014 16:51


Also I'm not pregnant but plan on trying soonish. Blush I just think it's sweet.

But also possibly unbearably twee. Hmm

OP posts:
YouWithTheFace · 28/06/2014 13:02

Magic for Marigold was the first thing I thought of! Emily Marigold, Anne Marigold, Patricia Marigold... :D

CheerfulYank · 28/06/2014 17:56

You've just inspired me to go dig out Mistress Pat, Face! Did you like Jane of Lantern Hill?

I told DH we should have a DD named Phoebe Marigold and he looked a bit unsure, but he got his way with Margaret so I can play that card next time :o

OP posts:
CheerfulYank · 28/06/2014 17:58

Another point in its favor is that both of the DC have our initials (A for DH and M for me) in their names somewhere so it'd keep that going.

OP posts:
TheCountessOlenska · 28/06/2014 18:01

I like it - very English and pretty but not as twee as Poppy or crazy as Bluebell imo.

Also CheerfulYank would this be potential THIRD baby? I think our DC are similar ages and I have spent the last six months trying VERY hard not to think broody thoughts - don't push me over the edge now Wink

Bowlersarm · 28/06/2014 18:01

Winston Churchill had a daughter called Marigold.

Not sure whether that's a help or a hindrance....!

CheerfulYank · 28/06/2014 18:14

Yes Countess :o DS is almost 7 and DD was 1 in May...I want more! I'd like to be "done" by 36-wish and am 32 now, so if I'm going to get the five DC I always wanted... Wink

OP posts:
BackforGood · 28/06/2014 18:47

Difficult to say, as, in UK I doubt you could say 'Marigold' without people thinking 'rubber gloves'..... it's like 'hoover' or 'sellotape' in that it is a word many people use as the noun to describe the vacuum cleaner or roll of sticky tape.
If you don't have that connection in the country you live, then it's just the same as any other object name.... some people aren't keen but a lot of people like them.

SomeSunnySunday · 28/06/2014 19:13

I don't think "rubber gloves" at all (and am British living in the UK), wouldn't even cross my mind. Maybe this is a reflection on my slovenly housekeeping though Wink.

Helpys · 28/06/2014 19:17

Marigold and hope she does!

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