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Could I call a baby Wolfie in RL?

94 replies

TooExtraImmatureCheddar · 22/03/2014 15:01

I'm 22 weeks pg with DC3. This is my first boy. Ever since I was pg with DD1 DH and I have had a running joke that if we had a boy we would call him Wolfie. Found out 2 weeks ago that this is indeed a boy, and the bump is now firmly called Wolfie. It was never meant to be serious, but the trouble is that I can't find a boy's name I like at all! Would Wolfie be so very bad, really, and if it is, what else might I like?

  1. It has to be a real name and not a nickname/shortening of a longer name
  2. I don't really like popular/mainstream names. DDs are Thea and Maia.
  3. My surname starts with V and ends with O so V names are out, as are names ending in O.

I like Rafe (but my neighbour has a little Rafe the same age as DD2), Felix (can't get away from the cat food), Finn (but is now v popular) and Conor (v close to my dog's name so would be confusing).
OP posts:
SauceForTheGander · 23/03/2014 09:05

I know a Wolfie - like Bling said - suits him and his family. I love it.

raydown · 23/03/2014 09:07

It could be short for Wolfram.

Mintyy · 23/03/2014 09:07

Right, I never do this on baby names, but I'm going to make an exception for Wolfie.

It is absurd. It is awful. It is horrendous. PLEASE don't do it.

tantrumtime · 23/03/2014 09:10

That would be awesome where I live (in Wolverhampton) and he would probably be some kind of legend but I'm not sure about a name for life. Having said that my DC have traditional names because that is what I like so I'm probably not very good at this subject.
Congrats on your pregnancy

FamiliesShareGerms · 23/03/2014 09:59


Wilfred / Wilfy?

nevergoogle · 23/03/2014 10:09

I had a great uncle Wulsie (Wulstan).

alemci · 23/03/2014 10:19

can't helping of Citizen Smith

Power to the people.

I suppose you could call him Wolfgang but tbh I wouldn't chose either.

NigellasDealer · 23/03/2014 10:21

Wolfie - love it!
but you might need a 'long' version like .....Wilfrid or something

ThisFenceIsComfy · 23/03/2014 10:27

Ooh I like Hunter for a boy.

TooExtraImmatureCheddar · 23/03/2014 13:26

Hey, I never claimed to be trying to be achingly hip or outre! Neither Thea nor Maia is (at least at the time I chose it) in the top 100 in Scotland. That's all I meant. I was trying to avoid the situation where my kids were one of a number of little Evies or Sophies in their class, that's all. There were about 4 Alisons, Heathers and variants of Clair in my school year. I have a name that was unusual where I grew up, which I quite liked. I was trying to go for slightly different but not too weird.

Hugh is DH's middle name but neither of us are very keen on it. Both girls' middle names are family names ( named after my mum and MIL), so I'd like to use either dad or FIL's names as DS' middle name - Calum or Ian.

Flynn sounds like a horse (my aunt had a horse named Flynn once), so no.

A close friend called his baby Noah, so although I do like it I can't use it.

I don't like Wilfrid. I do like Wolfram, though! I'm leaning towards picking a normal name and just using Wolfie as a nn, though. This thread has been v useful in showing how polarised opinion is on Wolfie!

Anjou, I love Rex but was worried it sounded too much like a dog's name.

OP posts:
Pinkcustardpurplecustard · 23/03/2014 16:46

Adore Rex

Anjou · 23/03/2014 20:19

Rex is brilliant, isn't it?! I get the 'dog' thing but, remember, Rex means 'King'. People were referred to as Rex before dogs were!

yummymumtobe · 23/03/2014 20:37

We have a William who we call wolf/wolfie as dd started doing so. We love it!

Bunbaker · 23/03/2014 20:41

This website has a long list of names that mean wolf.

I hope your surname isn't Smith BTW.

mewkins · 23/03/2014 21:26

I worked with a Beowolf known to all as Wolfie. Perfectly normal it suited him and everyone was used to his name.

linney · 23/03/2014 21:42

I do wish people who want to call their children "lovely individual quirky" names would find a teenage boy and ask him what he thinks first.

As a public service, I will undertake to ask mine and relay his exact words. He is a thoughtful, sensitive soul without a bullying bone in his body, so his response will be useful.

linney · 23/03/2014 21:44

"What would you think if somebody called Wolfie joined your form?"
"Wolfie? I would think....... their parents weren't very clever"

HalfSpamHalfBrisket · 23/03/2014 21:45

I know a Wolf. She is lovely (hippy parents, of course).

Bunbaker · 23/03/2014 21:46

I just asked DD (13) and she just laughed and said it was a weird name.

NigellasDealer · 23/03/2014 21:48

ok i asked dd and she said 'I wouldn't really think anything I do not judge people by their first name but by the content of their character'

stillstandingatthebusstop · 23/03/2014 21:52

My Mum is called Wolfi (it was a nickname that stuck and she changed her name officially 20 years or so ago). Great name.

I haven't read the whole thread but I love Wolfram with Wolfie for short.

Jbck · 23/03/2014 22:01

I know a Wolfie, not short for anything afaik. Was dubious when I heard it. But my DD has a boys name so I'm one to talk Grin


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NigellasDealer · 23/03/2014 22:02

not a girl called Bob jbck?

linney · 23/03/2014 22:07

Well, let's hope little Wolfie goes to nigella's dd's school, not my ds's.

Velvetbee · 23/03/2014 22:47

Funnily enough DD announced today that she wants twins called Buzz and Wolfie. She's only 14 but likes to plan ahead. She has some interesting ideas (there was once mention of a daughter called Nettle). I just tell her I would love any grandchild regardless.

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