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Scarlett Rose, yes or no?

37 replies

HuskyBlueEyes · 25/02/2014 19:21

Surname Warren... Its the only name we've really agreed on... I like the descriptiveness of it as well..


OP posts:
SelectAUserName · 01/03/2014 07:24

Far, far too descriptive!

Scarlett Rose - gardener pointing out this season's blooms
Scarlett Warren - the rabbits have had the decorators in

squoosh · 01/03/2014 04:21

It would be on a par with calling her Slippery Hole.

squoosh · 01/03/2014 04:20

'He burrowed deep into her scarlet rose warren.' Yep, definitely historical smut fiction.

Scarlett Warren would be too cruel. Please don't name your child after an orifice!

ToffeeJungle · 28/02/2014 19:55

I was coming on to say I love the name Scarlett and that Scarlett Rose is pretty but sounds a bit 'red'??

Though after reading the comments on here 'vaginal' is a very good description!

So Id have to say no.

TattyCatty · 28/02/2014 19:49

My DD is named after a beautiful baby that I once met called Scarlett Rose, but we went for a different middle name. Still botanical, but think plant rather than flower. It is a lovely combination but definitely overdone, mainly because every 3rd child seemed to have Rose as a middle name when DD was born.

JimmyCorkhill · 28/02/2014 19:48

I'm another for Charlotte Rose, that is a beautiful name.
I don't think a noun as a middle name goes well with Scarlett. What about Scarlett Elizabeth?

MrsBungle · 28/02/2014 19:44

I quite like it. Popular, yes but if that doesn't bother you, it's a nice name.

Daykin · 28/02/2014 19:41

I'm in the vaginal camp

invicta · 28/02/2014 19:38


If you love it, use it. It doesn't really matter what other people think.

mumslife · 28/02/2014 19:35

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PandaWatch · 28/02/2014 17:45


I hope I don't know you in RL OP because I am going to start using "scarlett warren" as a euphemism for the lady parts!

Yonineedaminute · 28/02/2014 16:07

I was just going to say it was quite common (as in very popular).

But then found myself roaring at 'strongly vaginal'! It really is!

EirikurNoromaour · 26/02/2014 18:46

No. Both names are very dated, and scarlet rose is too descriptive.

Handbagsatdawn · 26/02/2014 18:44

How about Charlotte Rose? Rhymes with Scarlett (mostly) with none of the strange connotations.

girliefriend · 26/02/2014 18:41

Scarlett Rose I like but Scarlett Warren does sound a bit odd - sorry!

Handbagsatdawn · 26/02/2014 18:39

No. She'll be known as Scarlet Warren - like Hyva said, sounds like a trashy novel.

RandomInternetStranger · 26/02/2014 18:37

That was my daughter's name till 2 days before she was born so I love it. Smile She just didn't look like a Scarlet at the lady scan and when she came out so I changed it. Smile

Bowlersarm · 26/02/2014 18:35


Trooperslane · 26/02/2014 18:34

I think it is properly beautiful.

Onesleeptillwembley · 26/02/2014 18:33

No. It really is naff to put them together.

SilkStalkings · 26/02/2014 18:30

Coco Lane.
Honey Tubbs.
Sorta thing.

notso · 26/02/2014 09:35

I love both names but not together. Are you using Rose because it has a meaning for you or just because?


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HyvaPaiva · 26/02/2014 09:34

I'm really sorry, OP, but 'Scarlet Rose Warren' sounds like an intimate description in a trashy novel.

thegreatgatsby101 · 26/02/2014 09:28

Like the name Scarlett but definitely not with Rose as the middle name.
The first thing that popped into my head was Jane or Louise.

peppinagiro · 26/02/2014 07:54

I'm glad you said it silk. The scarlet rose warren? Ahem. It's like calling a baby 'hot pink tunnel' or something.

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