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Maisie or Emmie?

39 replies

Sammy999 · 20/02/2014 12:28

Hi everyone,

I'm about to drop any day but cannot decide what to call our little girl, it seems such an important decision...

I would really appreciate your comments in relation to the following two options that my partner and I have come up with:

  1. Emmie Rose
  2. Maisie Rose

    Thank you x :-) x
OP posts:
KateShmate · 21/02/2014 20:31

I've got an Emme, and have had none of the issues that everyone seems to come up with :) No one's ever mis-pronounced it, or thought that her name was 'Emma' either.
So obviously I'm biased towards Emme Rose - its gorgeous!

Ham69 · 21/02/2014 20:24

Emmie for the reason that I know the most amazing one.

Tea1Sugar · 21/02/2014 14:34

Our dd2 is going to be Emilia nn Emmie

Summerfever · 21/02/2014 08:18

Good luck volvo hope all going well! We have an Emmeline, but I have to warn you that if you intend to use the full name, you/she will continually be correcting for "Emily" - something which drives me potty! The name regularly gets mispronounced too - (the "line" as in straight line). Only choose it if you love it and happy to continually correct. If you're going to use Emmy/Emmie (like the OP) on a day to day basis, I guess it doesn't really matter though! Grin
Hope all progresses quickly for you!
OP, I definitely agree that Emmie is not a strong enough stand alone name for an adult/teenager with attitude though!

louloutheshamed · 21/02/2014 06:51

Dr Maisie...
Judge Maisie....
Prime minister Maisie....

That's my test and I'm not feeling it, I agree that it's a babyish name.

Emmie short for Emmeline much better.

hickorychicken · 21/02/2014 06:32

We have a Maisie, its a lovely name Smile But Emmie goes better with Rose.

RobinSparkles · 21/02/2014 06:21

Emmeline is gorgeous!

Good luck Volvo! Hope you are well on your way or maybe even snuggling up to a lovely newborn! :)
February babies are lovely Wink I was where you are 3 years ago tomorrow. It goes so quickly!

NancyinCali · 21/02/2014 03:52

I was going to suggest Emmeline too if you like Emmie. I have an Emily who calls herself Emmy (aged 2).

Good luck volvo, hope labour isn't too long for you!

volvocowgirl · 21/02/2014 02:38

Sorry Emmie! Grin

volvocowgirl · 21/02/2014 02:38

I'm currently in labour with my Emmeline, so Emmy definitely gets my vote! Grin

Doctorbrownbear · 21/02/2014 02:35

Maisie is lovely.

NigellasDealer · 21/02/2014 02:27

Maisie and Emmie sound like dolls or toddlers - no offence but what about when she is a grown woman? holding down a professional job?
both of these names would sound kind of wet and sickly sweet in later life.

MauriceMinor · 21/02/2014 02:24

I think Emmie looks v.odd. I suppose I've never heard anyone called that. I think I would wonder if I'd misheard you say Emma or Emily. Perhaps it's the ie that looks wrong? Maybe Emmy is better - but then it looks like the tv awards thing.

Hmmm. Go with Maisie - it seems more like a real name.

Gatogris · 21/02/2014 00:47

Dr Emmie Blah... not sure.
Dr Maisie Surname... maybe.

Chloerose75 · 20/02/2014 23:51

I would use Emma with Emmie as a nickname.

NotBrittaPieHonest · 20/02/2014 23:47

Another parent of an Emmeline with a nn of Emmy over here Grin

She gets called Emily ALL THE TIME. People get over it, though.

Glittery7 · 20/02/2014 23:43

Maisie is ok.

Davidhasselhoffstoecheese · 20/02/2014 23:41


Davidhasselhoffstoecheese · 20/02/2014 23:40

Emmie is lovely. Maisey is a bit twee

everlong · 20/02/2014 21:20

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 20/02/2014 19:46

Know what you hard. Cutsey names aren't quite so cute on a teenager with attitude.

MyCatLovesMeSometimes · 20/02/2014 19:45

Maisie/y is quite popular at the moment as we know a few little girls called that.

I tend to prefer Emme.


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MrsBungle · 20/02/2014 19:34

I prefer Emmie to Maisie but I agree with others that Emmie is a nickname. Emilia and esme are lovely.

roadwalker · 20/02/2014 19:32

i know several old ladies called Maisie

AHardDaysWrite · 20/02/2014 19:26

Honestly? I think they're both little-girl names. They'll be gorgeous on a toddler, but less cute on a 40 year old. I would avoid Maisie, and call her Emily, Emilia or Esme then shorten it to Emmie.

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