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Opinions On Devon....?? For A Girl???

32 replies

butterfly1986 · 07/11/2013 03:32

Heard a little girl called it on holiday abroad years ago and always stuck in my head... just friends and family are mixed opinions and im finding alot of people online use as a boys name ??

Thanks :)

OP posts:
TheSporkforeatingkyriarchy · 10/11/2013 16:12

Only with family.

NoAddedSuga · 10/11/2013 14:37

Does your sister use the name Devon now as an adult?

TheSporkforeatingkyriarchy · 10/11/2013 14:06

It's my sister's name, she was repeatedly being put on the boy's list and being called he by school administration (very embarrassed when she was called to the office because "his" mother was there). She spent most of her teen years using various nicknames, mostly variants of her middle names (as did I).

Mattissy · 10/11/2013 13:37

Really don't like it, but if you like it then why would you care what I think, go for it.

puddleduck16 · 10/11/2013 13:10

Sorry, I'd always be thinking of the custard.

cece · 10/11/2013 13:09

Sounds ugly to me.

FortyFacedFuckers · 10/11/2013 13:07

I love it, it was on my girls list when I had DS.

Marli1980 · 10/11/2013 12:55

Is very nice

BillyBanter · 08/11/2013 21:43

you can't please everyone so go with what you like!

Breezy1985 · 08/11/2013 21:43

I know a Devon, she's 5.

Don't love it, and it's not my thing at all but there's a lot more worse names out there.

Nataleejah · 08/11/2013 21:40

Devon Aoki from Sin City...

Rhubarbgarden · 08/11/2013 20:49

Not keen

NoAddedSuga · 08/11/2013 20:28

My dd whos 13 months is called Devon, and i love it!!!

I met a little girl about 6 years ago called Devon and i d never heard it before, but it instantly stuck to me.

4 years later, i got pregnant and knew that if i had a girl her name would be Devon.

I ve never been to Devon, nor live anywhere near there.

Its not very common at all. My mother hates it, but i dont give a shit, because i love it

Hadmeathello · 08/11/2013 20:24

Don't like it, sorry.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 08/11/2013 20:19

I know one - a girl.

I think it's dreadul for either a boy or a girl tbh.

YouHaveBeenOutbid · 07/11/2013 08:37

If I met a child called Devon (boy or girl) I'd assume she was called after where she was conceived! Don't like it at all, sorry!

Locketjuice · 07/11/2013 08:31

My cousins a girl and called Devon she's 19, I personally don't like it, but I don't hate it, it's just a 'meh' name IMO

SweetCarolinePomPomPom · 07/11/2013 08:26

Horrible. But then I don't really like it for a boy either.

superlambanana · 07/11/2013 08:23

I think it works better on a girl than a boy. I wouldn't use it myself but I don't think there's anything wrong with it and would consider it unusual rather than weird.

TheNunsOfGavarone · 07/11/2013 08:20

I can't see the attraction at all.

Rainbowshine · 07/11/2013 07:53

Sorry,it reminds me of the older chap in Knightrider who was Michael Knight's boss...

RoadToTuapeka · 07/11/2013 07:48

I know two Devon's, both in their late 30s. Both men. No reason imo it shouldn't be a girl's name. It's not my favourite name but it's not the worst I've ever heard.


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Onesleeptillwembley · 07/11/2013 07:45

Nope, don't like it.

TheCricketWidow · 07/11/2013 06:47

I also know a devon, i like it.

CountingStars · 07/11/2013 06:37

Although if you live in or very near to Devon, I wouldn't recommend it!

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