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5 replies

YourDaughterHasaTattoo · 26/09/2013 21:07

Right, I know this is probably a bit pedantic but need some help! Due to have baby any day now, pretty sure it is a girl, but have a boys name all sorted just in case! If it is a girl however I can't decide on the order of her names! First name is Philippa and second names will be Elizabeth and Ann for her Nana's. I don't know which order sounds better and also if it's Pippa Elizabeth Ann her initials will be PEA (do you think that matters?!).
Hormonal mother here - I need help :0)

OP posts:
Bowlersarm · 26/09/2013 21:27

We did arrange our DS middle names so they didn't spell a word. Not sure whether it really matters in the greater scheme of things but we just went with that option, just in case.

rootypig · 26/09/2013 21:22

Ehh peas are cool. Round and green. Most kids get called something Smile

YourDaughterHasaTattoo · 26/09/2013 21:14

Thanks Rooty. Last name begins with B so won't have much effect! Just don't want her called Pee Wee or any anything at school Grin.

OP posts:
rootypig · 26/09/2013 21:10

ps good luck with the birth, such an exciting time! Smile

rootypig · 26/09/2013 21:10

Well, as far as words to spell with your initials go, pea is pretty inoffensive. What is the last initial? Philippa Elizabeth Ann flows better I think.

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