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26 replies

Sugar2 · 25/08/2013 12:16


Can you help rate these names... We are after a name that's different but still pretty and feminine. We dont want anything too trendy that will be dated in 10 years or where they'll be lots in her class!

Thoughts are...

Thank you loads!


OP posts:
EnjoyEverySandwich · 26/08/2013 12:44

Imagine putting an M on the front of Elodie and watch the MNetters back away from it in horror. Grin I too cannot understand its popularity on here.

saffronwblue · 26/08/2013 01:45

I love Camilla or Camille. Elodie is about to become achingly trendy IMO. Sybil - (or Sybilla) is gorgeous. I think Polly is a bit infantile and jolly sounding!

Alisvolatpropiis · 26/08/2013 01:31

Camilla is lovely with various nickname options.

Elodie is inexplicably popular on MN. It's horrid.

Polly makes me think of the nursery rhyme but is otherwise fine.

Sybil - no. Just no.

williaminajetfighter · 25/08/2013 23:42

Camilla is lovely. Works for all ages. Can be Cami or Milly for short.

Sybil 2nd choice.

Elodie is very MN popular at the moment.

Polly is more of a dogs name IMO.

KLou1105 · 25/08/2013 23:27

1- polly
2- elodie
3- camilla
4- Sybil

Purplelooby · 25/08/2013 20:24

In order of preference:


But then that's just my taste. I think Elodie is the most likely to date.

Frontdoorstep · 25/08/2013 16:58

I've never been a huge Fawlty Towers fan and I don't associate Sybil with Fawlty towers for that reason, would today's younger people really be familiar with Fawlty towers?

LeMousquetaireAnonyme · 25/08/2013 16:55

Camille = close to cameel

Sugar2 · 25/08/2013 16:49

Thank you! Mixed feedback! Such a responsibly! I think Sybil is out!

I'm leaning towards Camilla but royal connection does bother me!

How do you pronounce Camille? Is it cam-eel or cam-il?

Thank you!

OP posts:
meditrina · 25/08/2013 16:31

Polly is also a Fawlty Towers character, but the associations aren't the same, as it's not a catchphrase name. And FT keeps coming at/near the top of all-time comedy bests, so I think it's one that is just too widely known and likely to stick around.

I think Polly's a variant of Molly (short for Mary, same pattern as Peg and Meg fom Margaret) but that's a bit obscure these days. Or you could go all Mitford and label in full as Leopoldina?

riskit4abiskit · 25/08/2013 16:22

Do you have longer name that polly could be a nn of?

agree with comments above regarding sybil sorry.


LeMousquetaireAnonyme · 25/08/2013 15:38

Camilla, can you use Camille instead? then it would be top with Elodie

Polly, no, good name for a parrot.

LoopyLupo · 25/08/2013 15:30

I love Elodie and would consider if weren't for my PITA surname.

Sybil is very underused for such a lovely name and FT was yonks ago. None of her peers would know it. I wouldn't even consider it as an issue.

I always put Polly in the same category as Daisy or Poppy, lovely on a child but awful on an adult.

Camilla is too 'Royal' for me esp as Charles will be king soon.

TenthMuse · 25/08/2013 15:24

Like Elodie, although it's very much 'of the moment' and Polly is cute. Dislike both Camilla and Sybil, so definitely wouldn't go with either of these.

NannyPlumForPM · 25/08/2013 14:46

But polly is also fawlty towers?! I like polly the best but elodie is very pretty. Camilla has too big a royal connotation for me but it depends on other DC's and area etc. But not a big fan of Sybil

BlueStarsAtNight · 25/08/2013 14:41

I think I'd say:

  1. Elodie (though agree it might well date badly!)
  2. Polly
  3. Sybil
  4. Camilla
bruffin · 25/08/2013 14:36

Elodie, not over keen on any of the others.

MummyBeerest · 25/08/2013 14:34

If I had to place them:

  1. Elodie
  2. Camilla
  3. Polly
  4. Sybil
ChimeForChange · 25/08/2013 14:33

Elodie for me

EnjoyEverySandwich · 25/08/2013 14:32

Elodie is very "now" and will date as badly as it has done in France, where it is seen as firmly 1980s.

Agree that it's hard to cast off the FT connection with Sybil.

Polly I find a bit twee for my taste.

Camilla is a timeless classic, so that would be my choice. Hate Millie though, so I would hope that didn't catch on as a nn! But I was at school with a Camilla, and she was always called by her full name.

bishboschone · 25/08/2013 14:31

I like eliodie but it sounds a bit like melody and I think she would have to explain her name every time she says it but if that doesn't worry you it's nice.

cupcakeicing · 25/08/2013 14:30

Elodie and Polly are lovely names. Agree Sybil has too strong Fawlty Towers/ Downton associations.


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TallulahBetty · 25/08/2013 14:23

Love Elodie. Like Camilla. Don't like the other two at all.

Bowlersarm · 25/08/2013 12:47

I like Polly.

It's of the time now yet not a new name. I know Polly's aged in their 50's down to toddler age. There's a smattering across all ages.

Selks · 25/08/2013 12:45

Ditto meditrina.

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