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Penelope Cruz called her daughter.....

32 replies

FingersCrossedLegsNot · 02/08/2013 17:43


I like it!

OP posts:
DameEdnasBridesmaid · 02/08/2013 22:15

DS says she would get call 'Lunatic'. That's what folks are like round 'ere.

sleepingbeautiful · 03/08/2013 03:06

Love the moonlight boat trip comment haha. That's as good as Half past seven Beckham!

everlong · 03/08/2013 04:31

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wigglesrock · 03/08/2013 06:35

I like it, I love both of them Smile . But their son is called Leo, even with the different pronunciations of the names, I still think they're a bit samey.

AlfieandAnnieRose · 04/08/2013 15:57

She is Spanish and apparently it's a Spanish name so I think it's a great choice.
I'm surprised she announced the name so soon, she didn't reveal her son's name for a long while after he was born.

Choccyhobnob · 05/08/2013 10:20

She stole my baby name! Not that I'm even pregnant or anything...... hope there isn't a massive leap in poularity now, although saying that she's not very tabloidy is she and I can't think what her other kids are called so hopefully people will forget this by the time I eventually have a dd.....

Tommy · 05/08/2013 10:22

it's sweet but all I can see is that big moon in "the Bear in the Big Blue House" Grin

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