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Edgar Otto

36 replies

pygmy · 02/08/2013 11:30

Nice or not nice?

I like both Ed and Eddie as nicknames.

OP posts:
MrsBungle · 05/08/2013 20:10

It's a surname in Scotland. I like it as a first name and agree its certainly less boring than Edward. I quite like otto too.

ellesabe · 05/08/2013 20:08

It sounds like Ed Grotto...

tigerdriverII · 04/08/2013 01:01

Love these joke threads

formicadinosaur · 04/08/2013 00:57

Otto is great.

rockybalboa · 03/08/2013 11:30

Love Edgar. Unfortunately I have reasons for hating the nn Ed so was never going to work for us. Had to have a a major battle with DH over it though as he was very very very very keen on Edgar. It is a super cool name and not old mannish at all. Think Egg from This Life. Swoon...

YoMamma · 03/08/2013 11:27

Love Edgar but I don't think it goes well with Otto

PicardyThird · 03/08/2013 07:19

It sounds like a late-19th-century German. I think Otto, although I don't like it personally, has that old-man-chic vibe, but Edgar definitely doesn't. Has good nickname potential, though (Ed or Eddie).How about Edward?

sleepdodger · 03/08/2013 07:18

I know a 2yo Edgar and he's a cutie

ThePieSmuggler · 03/08/2013 07:16

Love Edgar, I recently met one and instantly really liked the name. I really like Otto too but I'm afraid for me I hear garrotte too when they're said together

Yika · 03/08/2013 07:14

I love it, that's one of the nicest name combinations I've seen on here.

mathanxiety · 03/08/2013 07:09

Like them both, but like Layl77 I hear another word in there somewhere -- garotte.

I know an Edgar who has always been Eddie.

Layl77 · 03/08/2013 05:42

Edgar Otto sounds like there's 'rot' in there somewhere. Both fine but not together

williaminajetfighter · 03/08/2013 05:13

Edgar Allen Poe. Can't go wrong...

almapudden · 03/08/2013 04:54

Love it.

everlong · 03/08/2013 04:32

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kiwik · 03/08/2013 01:08

Love it.
Edgar is great - strong, and different to the more usual Edward, which is a bit overused.
I adore the name Otto, but DH didn't, so I had to call the cat Otto.

Rhubarbgarden · 02/08/2013 23:29

I love Edgar. It was my second choice for ds. I like Otto too.

sonlypuppyfat · 02/08/2013 21:29

Words fail me

Ikeameatballs · 02/08/2013 21:24

I much prefer Otto to Edgar which I really don't like. I also don't think that they work together, they tend to run into each other and are stylistically very different.

LegArmpits · 02/08/2013 21:23

Love love love them both, but I think they run better the other way around.

Capitola · 02/08/2013 21:22

I love them both, but would go with Otto as a first name.

KateCroydon · 02/08/2013 21:19

awful awful awful.

Mind you, I quite like Tyler...


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Timpani · 02/08/2013 16:42

I love Edgar!! And tbh it's what you love that matters right? I've given DS1 a very marmite name and I'm sure a few people turned up their noses but no one has really said to my face "ugh, that's awful" or anything.

I would call DS2 (if it's a DS) but it really doesn't go with our surname. I love Edward too!

LazyMonkeyButler · 02/08/2013 14:27

Oh dear, Edgar is awful - sorry. Otto is fine, but reminds me of the school bus driver in the Simpsons.

Having said that, we met a 3 year old Edwin on holiday recently and he was a very sweet little thing which did make the name grow on me over the week. Maybe meeting an Edgar would work in the same way?

dyslexicdespot · 02/08/2013 14:26

Both are very nice.

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