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Horatio - good, bad or ugly?

95 replies

BraveLilBear · 01/08/2013 18:02

DS is now 9 days old and is known as Little Man or Monkey or numerous other pet names that wouldn't be allowed on a birth certificate.

We want unusual but classy and maybe classic/due for a revival. Like English origin names too.

Currently agreeing on Horatio, maybe Montgomery. But just trying to gauge wider opinion. ..

Thoughts on Horatio? Any alternatives we might go for?

Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
ArabellaBeaumaris · 01/08/2013 20:00

I really don't get it when people say a name will be teased. We live in a multicultural city (not London), some of the names in my DC class are extraordinary. Is Satvant going to tease Horatio, or is Horatio going to tease Davani?!

TheFillyjonk · 01/08/2013 20:01

I know a 12 year old Cecil- how about Cecil?

Viviennemary · 01/08/2013 20:04

What about Horatio Ptolemy Cecil. I'm sure he won't be bullied. Honestly some poor kids.

OutragedFromLeeds · 01/08/2013 20:05

actually lol at thinking Horatio is a pets name and then suggesting Digby!

Layl77 · 01/08/2013 20:05

No don't like it. Can you imagine someone saying "ah what's he called....."
I hate when people say this but he really wouldn't thank you for it. Monty is better

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 01/08/2013 20:06

I feel as if I need to get pregnant (youngest dd is 16) just to have a Roland now. :)

squoosh · 01/08/2013 20:08

How can anyone think Monty (MONTY!) is better than Horatio?. They'd both stop me in my tracks.

OutragedFromLeeds · 01/08/2013 20:08

The boy who was eaten by a polar bear on a school trip was called Horatio.

squoosh · 01/08/2013 20:09

Ok I've got it..........................

What about ..............................

FLASHMAN! He'll be twirling his moustache in a caddish manner by the time he's two.

OutragedFromLeeds · 01/08/2013 20:09

the boy was on a school trip not the polar bear!

TheFillyjonk · 01/08/2013 20:10

I think the right kid can carry an uncool or obscure name. But Horatio Ptolemy Cecil might struggle.

Jellyandicecreamplease · 01/08/2013 20:10

Do you remember the line in Bridget Jones where she is introduced to a Horatio?

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 01/08/2013 20:12

Cecil is bloody awful.

But how about Julian? I'm rather fond of Julian.

ZingWidge · 01/08/2013 20:13

I would not choose Horatio as a first name.

middle name ok

Bowlersarm · 01/08/2013 20:13

Prefer Horatio - by far - to Montgomery.

squoosh · 01/08/2013 20:13

Julian is only mildly less wet than Cecil.

Cecil is really, really bad though.

TheFillyjonk · 01/08/2013 20:16

Cecil is a wet, flimsy kind of name. Conjures up a wimpy blond fellow with a straw boater and striped blazer too long for his arms.

However, the Cecil I know is Nigerian, and it works for him.

Julian is a bit wispy. I'm thinking of all the novels I've read with posh Brit boys in... How about Clive?

Teamjavert · 01/08/2013 20:34

I love Horatio. Monty is dreadful though.

bigkidsdidit · 01/08/2013 20:43

I know one, goes by Horry. He is very dashing but terribly terribly posh which I think you would have to be to pull it off

Monty is ace. I have a Bertie (Albert) which is great too obviously and in the same vein?

whyno · 01/08/2013 20:46

Montgomery is really nice. Think Horatio is possibly too much.

sandberry · 01/08/2013 21:01

Horatio is great, Horry for short, what's the difference between Horry (totally unused) and the super popular Harry.

Montgomery is awful though Monty is fine

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 01/08/2013 21:05

Bartholomew/Bartie is nice.


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noblegiraffe · 01/08/2013 21:11

Horatio looks bad and sounds worse.

TheFillyjonk · 01/08/2013 21:19

Horry is an appalling nickname, I assume that's why it hasn't overtaken Harry.

burberryqueen · 01/08/2013 21:21

quite like Horatio with a nickname of Ratio.....

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